Raging Herb Peas


WE ARE RAGING HERB PEAS, a talentless music group composed of strange and odd individuals (who may or may not have herpes). We're also the unofficial Official EM Band "unofficially" sponsored by Lucid himself.

Our only mission involves enjoying music and drinking also to play some games every now and then. Good, bad, doesn't matter, we're the guys with the riffs. ****************************************************************** MEMBERS - The Flashy Fab Four ****************************************************************** Maria - The beauty with a temper on Vocals & Guitar Dennenshi(Felix) - The bastard with the mouth on Bass LotusD - The breaker of combos and hearts on Drums

Ralt-The slacker who lives of fantasy & fiction on Keytar

CURRENT THEME - http://youtu.be/mR6cSIHKweQ (unless someone objects or finds something better) =============================================

about 13 years
Lot of chatter since i was last on, well 1st of all I say Yes let us rejoice to this new found alliance HURRAH!!!. As for Bert, that's great you can be the stand in vocalist till we find someone permanent, also it seems our guitarist has taking a liking to you so if you ever do wish to join there is always a spot open for you my friend. And lotus your welcomed to sing if you wish to, it can be like the beatles where it it's not always the same one person singing every song.
about 13 years
I would like to sing one song per album just for novelty's sake.
about 13 years
Marvelous. I do believe this is a deal that will benefit both parties. LET US REJOICE~
about 13 years
Bert <3

you should join I do vocals sometimes :P
about 13 years
Hello RHP, I saw you still need a vocalist! I'm not joining this band permanently, but you can call me whenever your singer is unable to perform and I'll sing a song for you. <3
about 13 years
He is MY dog actually

also no the picture is ehhh./.. cos I am a girl and that picture is just too :l
about 13 years
Alright, we'll be your lead supplier in all things gum in future for free. Just let us see our dog every Wednesday and one weekend every other month.
about 13 years
are you upset i didn't include you in it?
about 13 years
that picture -_-
about 13 years
erm? is there anything wrong?
about 13 years
erm :S
about 13 years
about 13 years

ohh yeah bitches loves the herb peas
about 13 years
You stole my lead drummer who is a dog and a combo/heart breaker, yo. Prepare for battle of the bands. Or just delete this comment and we call it a day.
about 13 years
I totally agree with the member description ;P