Louie is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on FX on June 29, 2010. It is written, directed, created, edited, and produced by comedian Louis C.K.,[3] who also stars in the show as a fictionalized version of himself, a comedian and newly divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City. The show has a loose format atypical for television comedy series, consisting of largely unconnected storylines and segments (described by FX president John Landgraf as "extended vignettes")[4] that revolve around Louie's life, punctuated by live stand-up performances.
The show has been met with critical acclaim and was included in various critics' TV show top-ten lists when it premiered in 2010.[5] C.K. has received several Primetime Emmy Award nominations for his acting, writing, and directing and has won for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series at the 64th and 66th Primetime Emmy Awards.
Amid an "extended hiatus" for the show,[6] FX ended their business partnershi
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