egg family


Welcome to Camp!

We are now recruiting!

Here at egg family, we follow Girl Scout law. We will try our best to be:

  • Honest and Fair,
  • Friendly and Helpful,
  • Considerate and Caring,
  • Courageous and Strong,
  • And responsible for what we say and do.

and to

  • Respect ourselves and others,
  • Respect authority,
  • Use resources wisely,
  • Make the world a better place
  • And be a sister to every girl scout.




Good luck to Bryce in whatever of the many ORGs hes playing

Good luck to Hals and Bryce1997 in HazDaz BB!

Good luck to sammy in his very important ORGs!!!

Good luck to Marry in The Apprentice and VerumbORG!

daily dog gif:


Our Members:

Tillie | 'Tills' | 17 | NZ

Girl Scout Ambassador

Tills has been awarded these badges for making a mistake but being earnest in fixing her mistake and constantly excelling in competitions, earning her the Housekeeping and 1st place badges! She is also due to receive a leader badge for creating 'egg family' on June 11, 2017. For this, she has, she has been awarded the Participation, Fire and Travelling badges!

Soda | 'Mattle' | 22 | New Mexico

Girl Scout Cadette

Mattle has been awarded these badges for trophying multiple times in various lobbies all over this site, excelling at competitions and always persevering, not allowing anything to bring him down whilst always bringing new content and helping those around him selflessly. For this, he has been awarded the Participation badge, the Hardworking and Creativity badges!

Sammy | 'Samster' | 16 | Ireland

Girl Scout Cadette

Sammy has been awarded these badges for always caring about his friends and allowing them to cry on his shoulder whenever things become too much. Sammy has also placed THIRD in Survivor: Anjouan! For this, he receives the Caring, Tea and Participation badges.

Jahsunm | 'Jam' | 18 | Florida

Girl Scout Junior

Jam, although an old recruit, has only earned his first badge for always extending a helpful to his peers and anyone that needs help. For this, he has earned the Caring badge.

marry | 'Mom' | 20 | USA

Girl Scout Junior

Mom has been brought up camp spirit and been like a mother to everyone with her kind and outgoing ways. For this, she has been awarded with not only the Caring badge but the Carer position.

Bryce1997 | 'Brie' | 20 | Texas

Girl Scout Brownie

Brie has been awarded these badges due to his extensive range of trophies ranging from the Survivor Lobby's own EMVV and EMBB! He has also earned a trophy from the Main Lobby. He also has received the music badge due to his extensive and unending wisdom regarding the world of pop and more! For this, he has received the Participation and Music badges!

Hals | 'Arsh' | 18 | Canada

Girl Scout Brownie

Arsh has been awarded these badges due to having impeccable tastes in profile aesthetics and for raising camp morale by always taking time to gossip with others. She was also the WINNER of Survivor: Anjouan! For this, she has been awarded Aesthetic, Tea and Participation badges.

4Random2 | 'Wally' | 27 | NZ

Girl Scout Brownie

Wally has received these badges for placing 2nd in Trophy Game 17 out of 43 people, one of the biggest Survivor Lobby games to date! He is also extremely caring and loyal to those who are good to him. For this, he has received the Participation and Caring badges!

itxLuca | 'Steve' | 19 | USA

Girl Scout Brownie

Steve is a relatively new recruit but his efforts in hosting some of the most amazing games seen in the Survivor Lobby have earned him the Hardworking badge!

KatyaWasRobbed | 'Eldie' | 17 | Canada

Girl Scout Daisy

Eldie, although a new recruit, has already been awarded these badges for his artistic prowess and knowledge of how to take only the most prestigious photos. He is also always happy to chat with his fellow girl scouts. For this he has been awarded the Art, Camera and Tea badges!

FirePsychic | 'Justin' | 20 | California

Girl Scout Daisy

Justin has won a BRONZE trophy in Main Lobby on his account, Neels! He is currently making the most of Christmas by rocking Christmas themes for all his profiles and will be given a Christmas badge when I'm bothered to make one. He is always there for his friends and always shows that he appreciates them * kiss * For this, he has been awarded the Participation, Aesthetic, Tea, and soon to be Christmas badges!

Chanman123 | 'Mitchy' | 16 | USA

Girl Scout Daisy

Mitchy will always extend a helping hand to those who are in need, no matter what the task may be. For this, he has been awarded the Tea badge.

deletedover 7 years
Welcome marry!!
deletedover 7 years
Welcome jbomber732!!

Annual competitions will now be hosted for new badges!
deletedover 7 years
welcome jboboobbobob :]
over 7 years
I'm just trying to crack a joke, sorry I left you over hard.
over 7 years
what r u saying justin
deletedover 7 years
yes it does
over 7 years
If a egg cracks and no one is there to see it happen, does it make a noise?
over 7 years
I need my new daily dog gif please
deletedover 7 years
Congratulations Hals and Justin!
over 7 years
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
honestly hals we just don't need that kind of negativity in this family
deletedover 7 years
veg doesn't rhyme with egg
over 7 years
To become apart of the egg family, it will cost you an arm and a LEG, you would BEG and BEG, asking us to give you a chance in joining. You shall promise us that you will never VEG. We shall also give you a PEG for the lost LEG. This family is our EGG that in which we try our hardest to not crack. We are the EGG family, Do you pledge your heart and soul, plus and arm and a LEG to the EGGS??
over 7 years
Ty sammy for updating everything!
deletedover 7 years
bio will updated soon! i've been out of it lately
over 7 years
What an eggcellent family we have here!!
over 7 years
wow im in egg now
deletedover 7 years
this b*tch is back
deletedover 7 years
waleed and i bringing home gold and silver!
over 7 years
i had no idea you all left! invite me if there is room!
over 7 years
hi sugar plz inv me id love to be apart of this adorable wee family xo
deletedover 7 years
family song:

over 7 years
egg unhealthy ffood
deletedover 7 years
hello he's sammy