hope squad









LUBB                            SHSL GAMER               ALY


FORBIDDEN ONE        KOMAEDA II                PABLO


HOPE MEMER            HOPE SON                  SILLY GOOSE


L(OSER)                      FLORIDAMAN             SALTY PLEB               





deletedover 7 years
cool family, I approve
deletedover 7 years
if i join this fam it will have 2 more golden trophies
over 7 years
let me in pls i need hoop
over 7 years
Don't add any more members we must keep an extra spot there for ham because his hope will always live on
over 7 years
hey wow i finally updated the page and added everyone. we now have 2 lucis 2 komaedas and 2 koalas this really is the best fam. i know vegan died but his hope still lives on so i'll leave him up there for now. btw i just came up with these titles on the spot so if you want a different one just ask

@rylan lucid updating the site so much messed up the page layout and your old title was too long to fit on one line rip. i like your new one though, it sounds cooler

@servantsan by going to the main lobby page and scrolling down you can see a list of any friends that are currently in-game. we also communicate a lot over skype chat. if anybody wants to be added to the group just let me or hope know. just be warned, the chat can get more than a bit crazy lol
deletedover 7 years
Hi :3~~
over 7 years
What sort of bond do you have that lets you know when eachother are playing
over 7 years
Cool fam
over 7 years
I am forbidden. I have no power and all of the power. It is a terrible curse and a burden I must bear by myself.
over 7 years
have you guys seen this,, i believe hope is spreading in even greater numbers than we have imagined before, all of this hope is truly great

over 7 years
i like how u think this is a democracy, luci is our absulute leader rip
over 7 years
i petition that my hope squad name be either HopeTM machine or Ultimate Gamer Gi... GUY!?!?
over 7 years
if plebs r so good y half of them r a vegan and the other half is a cuck
over 7 years
pleb fam
over 7 years
plebs are a crucial part in guaranteeing hope
over 7 years
don't diss plebs like that #pleblivesmatter
over 7 years
good thing im not a pleb
over 7 years
i finally added everybody to the page sorry it took so long
over 7 years
This fills me with hope
over 7 years
Guys guess what we have 2 koalas 2 hopes 2 foods 2 cats and a CROWNED luci you know what this means it's 666 we are satanic and full of hope
over 7 years
im in
over 7 years
we know you have ryla but remember to never lose sight of hope
deletedover 7 years
Hope to those in the world :3
over 7 years
Help me... I have been absorbed by the place known as.... DanganMafia....
over 7 years
Sadly I do not have skype.