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Tell us a fact about the user above

over 5 years

Do you know your fellow epicmafia users? Prove it! Tell us something you know about the user who posted before you!

Two rules: Be respectful, and swear on your nan's grave that the fact you're giving is true. Have fun!

Has this been informative?
9 signed
This has been very informative.
over 5 years
a screaming brit
over 5 years
has a yorkshire accent
over 5 years
keeps beating me on smash
over 5 years
within the top 0.2% of Nuclear Throne players
over 5 years
forget being mod, is the real reason I visit main
over 5 years
is a cutie
over 5 years
is an artist!!!
deletedover 5 years
surprisingly has no friends (on em that is)
deletedover 5 years
would have intercourse with karl marx
over 5 years
sounds like an anime character
over 5 years
Likes a particular anime character
over 5 years
Has a very fabulous selfie with a fox filter
over 5 years
"Well met!" is a direct reference to the eponymous greeting of Uther the Lightbringer in Blizzard's 2014 CCG, Hearthstone.