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The vio system seems kinda broken

over 5 years

Let's have an honest and open discussion.

8 vios = a 3 month ban seems fairly reasonable on paper (8 vios? Wow, that's a lot!), but vios frequently stick around for 3 months or 6 months.

  • Do you think that a vio should last for 3 months?
  • Do you think bans should be for 3 months / 6 months / indefinite?
  • Do you think there should be any way to reverse vios aside from begging mods to help?

I think that, if I were given the choice of being banned for 24 hours, or having a vio stick on my account for 3 months, I would generally take the 24 hour ban. Or if I were given the option to spend 1 week banned to purge my account of 2 or 3 vios, I would pick that

Right now, the way bans scale is (warning -> vio -> 1 hour ban -> 12 hour ban -> 24 hour ban -> 100% ban) or (vio vio vio .... -> 3 month ban). The huge jump from (less than a day) to (90 days) just seems wild to me.

Okay, okay, I know what some of you are thinking right now: "just don't break the rules and you won't have to worry about this kind of thing." But that answer is not very satisfying. Just about everyone I know has been hit by arbitrary vios. Whether or not people get reported for "violations" in the first place is fairly hit-and-miss and then whether or not the vio sticks also tends to be hit or miss. Sometimes I don't get any vios at all for a few weeks, then sometimes I get hit with like 10 in a day.

The general consensus my friends have is that they'll report in comp matches when they want a point refund -- we generally don't report other players in red heart or unranked. Maybe another solution to anyone's discomfort with the report system would be adding an option where folks can report for points refund OR report for bad behavior.

Interested in hearing y'alls thoughts

Is the report system broken?
Yes, and let me explain why
Nope - no complaints.
over 5 years
dodging vios is so easy, i've been doin it for years. people that get banned with 8 vios are genuinely stupid
over 5 years

blacksnakemoan says

maybe if you two weren't idiots all the time you wouldn't rack up so many vios

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
over 5 years
maybe if you two weren't idiots all the time you wouldn't rack up so many vios
over 5 years
system is broken for years and cant be fixed. deal with it, there is no way out