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In Memory of Diogenes

over 5 years

This is based on a true story about a portion of my life

The other day, some people told me they were recently married. I asked them if it was true that they had to be married in order to have a happy relationship? I knew the two weren't religious and so it made me ponder about the reason why they got married, but, soon I would find out that the reason was so that their peers could treat them as socially acceptable.

They immediately became defensive toward me by calling me rude, which I retorted by asking why they think I'm being rude as I'm not trying to be hostile; I was merely asking them for the sake of learning.

Later on, they were around friends and one of their friends loved astrology. They bragged about what month they were born in and what stars in the sky align with them the most, which of course I let them know that the stars in the sky all look the same to everybody on earth because earth is like a point in space. I later said that anybody you don't know could make up what month they were born in as to pretend to relate to you even if they don't. Upon saying this, it hurt them because they now lacked the security in their system of belief, but, from my point of view, I was just being honest and helping them by telling them what is possible with their system.

After I said I mean no hostility, they insisted I meant hostility and I continued telling them that asking these kinds of questions and saying these kinds of things is common place where I'm from, which they rejected the notion. I then realized what was going on. I was being persecuted by bigots who attacked others that didn't agree with them. I had to let them know, so I told them that they are being very judgmental of me to call me hostile when I told them my intention. They rejected that notion as well and I let them know I'm being oppressed by people who have preconceived ideas about what is socially acceptable behavior. After they rejected my next statement, they told me to apologize for being rude, so I said to them that I was sorry for not being as perfect as they were and to nail me to a cross already.

When all was said and done, it was clear to everyone that the only reason people were being corrective is because they didn't care about other peoples perspective :^)

Thank you for reading cucks. Enjoy.

over 5 years
over 5 years
Diogenes had this to say when asked "when is the right time to marry?"

"The young man is too young for marriage, and the old man is too old."
over 5 years

LastProphet says

Time to pay the piper.

LioneI says

>imagine being so weak you call ideas physically oppressive to you

I never explicitly stated physical, but if people are trying to attack my beliefs, that's a borderline fascist. It's no different than "christians" who attack people for being muslim.

Fascism isn't attacking beliefs, it is forcing beliefs.

Also, the way you brought up the whole thing about astrology is wrong. It's really that the internet posts things that are as general and common as possible just so people relate. Notice how there are no absolutes listed, such as smartness/intelligence. There are no signs which portray higher intelligence, and that is proof that not everything that you are is controlled by the day you were born.
over 5 years
In 2003, lecturers and students from the University of Plymouth MediaLab Arts course used a £2,000 grant from the Arts Council to study the literary output of real monkeys. They left a computer keyboard in the enclosure of six Celebes crested macaques in Paignton Zoo in Devon in England for a month, with a radio link to broadcast the results on a website.

Not only did the monkeys produce nothing but five total pages largely consisting of the letter S, the lead male began bashing the keyboard with a stone, and the monkeys followed by soiling it. Mike Phillips, director of the university's Institute of Digital Arts and Technology (i-DAT), said that the artist-funded project was primarily performance art, and they had learned "an awful lot" from it. He concluded that monkeys "are not random generators. They're more complex than that. ... They were quite interested in the screen, and they saw that when they typed a letter, something happened. There was a level of intention there.

The conductors of the experiment later cleaned all the monkey pi᠎ss and shi᠎t off the pages and discovered LastProphet's latest post underneath.
over 5 years
ah it's another devotee of Ancient Greek's most famous public masturbator
over 5 years
hlello internet forum i als o have friends that are very real please read more about my real friends here also post about how my friends are better than your friends, which you dn't have
over 5 years
Time to pay the piper.

LioneI says

>imagine being so weak you call ideas physically oppressive to you

I never explicitly stated physical, but if people are trying to attack my beliefs, that's a borderline fascist. It's no different than "christians" who attack people for being muslim.

Modyches says

I agree with them because that's my culture, but, you shouldn't have your own culture and everybody should be like us because we are perfect.

You mean should I read peoples minds to know exactly what they mean instead of creating a system of communication that is universally capable to communicate with as many people as possible? I'm not the one who was angry or hostile and in fact, I was trying to keep the peace the entire time. If they don't like it, then they don't have to talk to me.

Even in your comment where you sympathize with the people who lived in a bubble their entire life, you are telling me what I "should" think. Does it bother you so much that people disagree with you and you can't always be right? You're so insecure you tell people to believe something else only to maintain the image in your mind you believe you have.The only reason bottom feeders like yourself even exist is because the waste in our society from the lack of one hundred percent efficiency we have, not because you, the toxic pile of crap, is "perfect". Thanks for your input buddy. If you need a pitty party call your dad if he hasn't already cut you off.
deletedover 5 years
Not nice to call someone autistic, that's like calling someone r*tard

LastProphet regardless of whether or not your INTENT on these events, in the end they were perceived as rude. You said that "they didn't care about other people's perspectives" but are you sure that YOU are the one that did not care? I mean, you said you asked them several questions here man. Do you honestly think that asking someone "Hey do you HAVE to marry them to be happy?" is similar to asking if they love their partner or not. Look, not saying you're a bad person but you appear to be close-minded which are attributes associated with being so...but i'll give you my doubts.

Although in the future, please do not enact smartass remarks. People perceive them as rude and arrogant. And in todays age it doesn't matter whether it truly is good or bad. It's all about perception bud. Enjoy your day, hope you learned somethin'
over 5 years
>imagine being so weak you call ideas physically oppressive to you
over 5 years
do people actually read stuff that's more than one line of text
over 5 years
You know I only suspected you were autistic based on these posts, but if this is how you really interact with people in meat space then I’m assured in my assumptions.
over 5 years