deletedabout 7 years

Why are you afraid of what we could have

deletedabout 7 years

peach says

Escurai says

he doesnt date people with atrocious text colours

i like your text color peach
about 7 years
about 7 years

Escurai says

he doesnt date people with atrocious text colours

deletedabout 7 years

Edark says

Im just afraid that you'll take away my habbo hotel furniture and neopets

not his habbo hotel furniture... that sht costs a lot
deletedabout 7 years
SNK, let me spin a tale of why Edark cannot date thy fair maiden.

Edark, who lives in Sweden, is partially blind because of a rare swedish syndrome that slowly degenerates the eye. SNK, with your name color, Edark looking at you degrades his eyes much faster than anyone could ever imagine. That is why he settles with a darker pink color.

SNK, you're slowly killing Edark. Don't look at what you could have together.

Donate to the Edark's Eyes fund today at
about 7 years
Im just afraid that you'll take away my habbo hotel furniture and neopets
deletedabout 7 years
Words hurt you know
about 7 years
he doesnt date people with atrocious text colours
about 7 years
edark why are you afraid
deletedabout 7 years
I know you're online. Take a chance on me