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Sandbox Demographics

almost 8 years

This is a topic that has always interested me. Sandbox is a conglomeration of all different sorts of people: Some are high on the social ladder, while some are simply fighting to survive. The purpose of this forum is to talk about the types of sandboxers in an objective way. I have listed them in order from lowest on the social ladder to the highest.


Whether you know them as user 569541, or by a name impossible to pronounce, we all have experience with these little things. They have just entered a world of online mafia, ambitious and curious, but sadly are a mortar for our society. Being the lowest on the food chain, their role of being policy lynched day one is very important. Without noavis, sandbox would no longer function and collapse.


This is a specially evolved form of the noavi. They protect themselves by making their own passworded games, or kicking people who aren't their friends. The games they make can usually be identified because they are not the usual closed role setups. It should be advised not to join these games, because you'll be kicked after they yell at you in Spanish.


They just want to make Sandbox great again. Also known as "trolls", these players are the natural enemies to the Chatbox Warriors. They engage in fights by posting an unpopular opinion on the lobby wall, for example, "Donald Trump is the future." Their main source of energy is the downvotes they receive. Despite their vision that they are edgy and cool, they are seen as a nuisance to the majority of Sandbox and are widely ignored. This angers the Shitlord.


The most identifiable of the Sandbox demographics by their kawaii avatars. They mainly spend time on the forums and lobby wall, talking about anime games and TV shows. They have little self-awareness and are hated by much of the community. They do not realize that several lobbies were created just for them, but alas, they stay.


This is the vast majority of sandbox. The Game-Players only play mafia, and generally don't take part in daily sandbox drama. They are said to be the first type of sandboxer, and all others evolved from them. It is under agreement by many that this demographic is the least terrible.


These players are up to date on the latest memes are copypastas, and worship their one true God Pepe. Their posts bring us light in the darkest of times. Their main energy source come from the upvotes they receive. If one of their memes does not receive any upvotes, they have failed and should just self delete.

Chatbox Warriors

Him? Her? Xim? Per? It doesn't matter, because they're fighting for your rights as we speak. Well, unless you're a cishet white male. Another name for them is Social Justice Warriors, and they mostly reside in lobby chat and talk to one another. Yes, that's really all they do. Their mechanism of defense is the downvote button. These players can be very deadly due to their connections with the Epicmafia mods. It is ill-advised to start sh*t with them.

"The 1%

The most popular users on the site. This is what every sandboxer strives to be. They usually end up of positions of power (Sandbox owner, Sandbox moderator). The Memers and the Chatbox warriors serve them incessantly. They take pride in the fact they are popular on an online mafia website, and should probably re-evaluate their lives.

Have I missed any demographics? Which one do you fit in? Which one will eventually take over sandbox? Comment below!

Which Sandbox demographic do you fit into?
The 1%
Chatbox Warrior (SJW)
deletedalmost 8 years
Im a sh!tlord ask me anything
deletedalmost 8 years

fakechest says

I'd say you are a memer

almost 8 years
I'd say you are a memer
deletedalmost 8 years
What if I'm just a cat
almost 8 years
wouldnt that be a subcategory of CBW/shitlord/weeb/memer?
almost 8 years
yeah you missed one
bad thread makers
almost 8 years
I'm a belimermemer hug me
almost 8 years
none of them fits into m
deletedalmost 8 years

When the majority wants to be the minority
deletedalmost 8 years
i want to be 1% but i really just
almost 8 years

Jenny says

"The 1%
The most popular users on the site. This is what every sandboxer strives to be. They usually end up of positions of power (Sandbox owner, Sandbox moderator).

almost 8 years
im one of the biggest SJW's out there
deletedalmost 8 years

Discordia says

I'm the 1% obviously.

you're a shtlord though and through
almost 8 years
WOW -5? Good to see Epic Mafia respects hard work and intellectuals *eye roll*
deletedalmost 8 years

Blister says

I am in my own category.

Mods ban blister.
deletedalmost 8 years
I am in my own category.
deletedalmost 8 years
I'm the 1% obviously.
deletedalmost 8 years
i'm probably the 1% but i'll go with memer for humility's sake
almost 8 years
give the 1% 99% of the vote
deletedalmost 8 years
:0 im a noavi
almost 8 years
cant decide if im a shitlord or a game-player
deletedalmost 8 years
this thread is awful
almost 8 years
Jenny, you have to go back. We are going to build a wall and make you pay for it.
almost 8 years
Bump for visibility ^_^