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Hateful Comment and Report Spam vio

over 9 years

Hateful Comments have been used by mods to bully me.

The vio should be clarified, and a list of words be made in the Rules which are banned, not some random topic no-one can find if there is one. I've also been slipped a completely unfair report spam because I refuse to have an opinion on homosexual, positive or negative. People should be able to appeal a report spam vio once, and to be able to request a mod of their choice to look at the case and not be afraid of being given another report spam vio for appealing it. or simply getting it closed by another bully mod.

deletedover 9 years
you'd think someone neutral about homosexuality wouldn't be so keen on outing people all the time
deletedover 9 years

Connor says

isn't this the same guy who used to "WIFOM" and out his partner all the time?

deletedover 9 years
post it right here, in this forum thread
deletedover 9 years
yeah post the link here sam
over 9 years

sam3278 says

taurarius, look at the reports and look at the game.

where is the link to the game??? i don't see it in either of the reports. show me the link. give it to me here.
deletedover 9 years
I for two ;)
deletedover 9 years
I for one am gonna miss Sam, he was highly quotable.
deletedover 9 years
Sam I see that you're watching this thread, and I know you have opinions that need to be heard. Let it all out, big guy.
deletedover 9 years
hey sam post your feelings regarding homosexuality in this thread.
deletedover 9 years
Why are you afraid you will get turned??? They are sneaky you know
deletedover 9 years
Threads like these make me miss admin Laexio.
over 9 years
I gotcha, but KillHimNotMe, I'm not going to talk about homosexuality.
deletedover 9 years
no i'm not calling you a *** dude i'm calling that guy who threw the game a *** that's a total *** move

also there is no such thing as neutral about homosexuality - either you are with us or you are against us. evil can only exist when good men do nothing
over 9 years
people who think I should get report spam, be aware.

If you follow this guide, you get a report spam vio.
over 9 years
the amount of people believing something has literally 0 implication on its truth or falseness. KillHimNotMe, I don't see how that deserves strong language. Its not safe for people neutral about homosexuality to use reports, so, unless 100% necessary, I have to avoid reports now. And this person straight up admitted to gting.
deletedover 9 years

sam3278 says

btw, can someone file a report against this guy for gt. He literally admits it in the game over part of the game.

wow what a ***
over 9 years
You'd think that everyone universally disagreeing with you would make you realize you're wrong, but somehow that isn't the case.
over 9 years
btw, can someone file a report against this guy for gt. He literally admits it in the game over part of the game.
over 9 years
taurarius, look at the reports and look at the game.
deletedover 9 years
you are so so self centred and im sorry but no one likes you

you're honestly just whining because you got a vio. get over it.
deletedover 9 years
Sam you can call me a *** if you want I don't mind :)
deletedover 9 years

sam3278 says

name calling. Typical, when you can't defeat someones arguments, call them bad words.

no one likes you. self delete.
over 9 years

taurarius says

sam, do you have any screenshots of the context of what you said when "people were angry at their loss" reported you?

Check out the game he was reported in, the person said again and again stop saying *** or i'll report you, sam replies with FAGFAGFAG and now he complains that he's getting reported.
deletedover 9 years
this kid sucks. even if he's 16, he should still be embarrassed for the textual vomit he's spewing all over the forums. if he's over the age of 16, well... lol
over 9 years
just keep stacking vios on him till hes banned