
Report #92,988

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 10 yearsfor Game 2918447
Game related suicide - town didn't want to listen to him so he decided to suicide day one
about 10 years
Why would you join a game in class x___x
about 10 years
I HAD TO TAKE A QUIZ IN CLASS! I knew i wouldn't be there to participate and wanted to avoid an ISP report! I'm sorry I had to go but I suid like everyone does when they have to leave
deletedabout 10 years
you were going to die next as a clear, so you could just wait like 30 seconds instead of slowrolling and asking for hammer. also, you had to go so suddenly, yet you're back after 15 minutes to comment? it was a frustration based grs which is against the rules.
about 10 years
First of all i Did have to go and you cannot prove or even begin to say that I didn't. I was frutrated because town wouldn't listen to the clear so like any clear in any other game ever I did spam the phrase a few times but not throughout the whole day and I explained why I was saying what i was saying in the game. They threatened to report me which is OGI but you don't see me bitching. I don't know what Im being reported for, why would I GRS on an account i was planning on running on. I had to go I suid ill take the loss of a heart move on there is no founded report. i didnt grs i had to go