
Report #210,315

Report Details

closedabout 7 yearsfor Game 5770816
he isped and on d2 hammered when me and blue was voting him, he didn't try to convince me or him to unvote he is a isper and a gt
about 7 years
and i did speak to chickennuggets d1 asking how why he voted me and got no response.
about 7 years
i second this report, he voted blue d1 (myself) and then isp'd the entire game, people shouldn't have to ask him to talk in ranked, he should be involved and arguing why he votes blue d1 and then does nothing d2.
about 7 years
if u wanted reads why didnt u speak to me????? u clearly made ur mind up and voted with quote maf 'lets end this quickly'
about 7 years
u sheeped maf...i voted scum. u didnt talk to me u just instantly not gona beg.