
Report #196,609

Report Details

closeddeletedover 7 years
HC/harassment - called me retarted, stupid etc and persisted when I made it clear I was unhappy with his personal attacks.
over 7 years
this vio is dumb.
over 7 years
what the even ?
over 7 years
Shouldnt have been HC, not sure who this "Merlot" mod is anyway, never heard of them.
over 7 years
Gave a violation for HC. Do not continue to bother incubusss in the future with this kind of behavior or any negative intentions in game or otherwise.
over 7 years
Further harassment/HC in another game (system won't let me make another report):

Already told him to stop harassing me and he just kept on. Was harassing me pregame, D1. D2 - HC by calling me a again.
deletedover 7 years
Called the other guy stupid, but I'll say it here as well. You are stupid. You are a .