
Report #135,190

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 9 yearsfor Game 3996566
full isp. didn't talk for 4 days. talked only once day one and only said rip. when confronted continued to not deal with the issue. Please read game.Try to understand also. The game was very long and he had ample opportunity to talk.
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
"been here one moon and cop already dead."
"yes they decided not to kill an indian."
"I've only hugged a few trees"
"it's like a fat girl"
"actually , a fat girl is better."
"idgaf.. we can waiste even more time"
"lets make this day last"
"epic mafia needs a medicine man"
"pases pipe"
"pipe has healing herbs"

Honestly, with chat like this i'm not surprised Boopity felt that saying nothing contributed more to scum hunting than talking.