
Report #128,888

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 9 years
[APPEAL] My game keeps glitching out whenever I join a game. Thanks for assuming I was trolling instead of trying to contact me to see if that was my intention. It really makes me feel good about my self when mods think I am a horrible person and I must be up to trouble. Thanks.
about 9 years
Well this clearly happened, regardless of your intention it's just a warning, don't do it again and nothing will happen. If your game is glitching, fix your game before trying to fill a table.
about 9 years
It is necessary to discuss further. My name is being tarnished by this false claim. I want this slander removed at once.
deletedabout 9 years
my decision was made based on a number of factors, including what occurred in the table that you somehow kept leaving at exactly the same time each time you joined and the fact that players at the table were complaining about you having trolled in other games prior to that one, too. i'd be happy to discuss this further if it becomes necessary to.