
Behind you.
part of  family

Hello :]

5/3/12- 99999 points.

6/5/12-111,111 points.

8/26/12 - 123,456 points.

10/16/12- 133,337 p01nt5. xD

11/30/12 - 140,000 points.

8.26.13- 175,000

2-1-14. 200,000 thanks everyone. <3



over 10 years
If you have 199k where are you going to play your game for the 200k?
probably on epicmafia.com
over 10 years
Is it true that you killed GoodPyro?
i ate him
over 10 years
meowww :]
over 10 years
How's life, I suppose
great. :]
over 10 years
How long have you been on epicmafia, how/why did you join, and why do you still play? (Like why haven't you gotten bored of it yet)
i started yesterday. dunno how i found this place.cool ppls.


25 / 25Eye of the Beholder
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
10 / 10Gotcha!
over 10 years
I heard that there is a self delete when you hit 200,000 points. D: NOOOOOO, DON'T DO IT, DON'T DIE ON ME, lolz!
over 10 years
>:3 x.x >.< Q.Q n_u ^-^ >:3 <3!
over 10 years
don't leave us evilpyro
deletedover 10 years
People keep mistaking me for your alt. Tell them you're mine .. thanks
over 10 years
deletedover 10 years
200k! 200k! 200k!
over 10 years
almost there!! i believe in you, always <3
over 10 years
over 10 years
over 10 years
Dude, you must get killed n1 on, like, everygame...
over 10 years
+k for large penis
deletedover 10 years
+k cuz treescratchies
over 10 years
+k cause fuck pranay ♥
deletedover 10 years
you're just not the same person without the blue dragon. =[
almost 11 years
if you d on't dedicate 200 to me i'll be monumentally damaged 5eva
almost 11 years
:'OOOOOOO <333333
almost 11 years
Good luck in life bro! Remember to take the path least taken.
almost 11 years
Congrats. Good luck in life. You will be missed. <3
almost 11 years
but baby you're so close, you have to!!
almost 11 years
you're almost at 200k, I guess that makes you a beast a epicmafia as well as in the bedroom