Janitorial 2.0

A twist of Janitorial 101 in attempt to make it more balanced.
almost 14 years
This is the first comment =)
almost 14 years
After this round it'll be 57% mafia win I'm pretty sure. Will show you.
deletedalmost 14 years
well, it is a little more balanced at the moment
almost 14 years
imo when town learns the setup better itll balance out
almost 14 years
Mmmm played a few games on it. Very manipulative setup. Nicely done LOLUTWAT D:
almost 14 years
just so that everyone understands this setup is very ballenced,
almost 14 years
I'm annoyed, there's a lot of poeple that thought it would be a bit townsided. I think its probably fail towns bringing it down
almost 14 years
Setups hit 50 50 if they are balanced including fail towns, fail mafia, and/or good town/mafia. The ability to hit a 50 50 ratio must depend on every single type of player playing and in my opinion not subjugated to playing properly.
deletedalmost 14 years
It'll eventually hit 50/50.
almost 14 years
wow soben you were right
deletedalmost 14 years
setups should be 55/45 mafia favoured since it should be easier to win as maf IMO.
deletedalmost 14 years
59% to 40%? woooooow
deletedalmost 14 years
Wow. This was supposed to be more balanced? What was the original? IMO any jan setup is maf-sided almost immediately.
deletedalmost 14 years
I've rarely seen maf win this. All it takes is good town.
almost 14 years
I like this setup more and more as I play it. But yeah, I've rarely seen maf win this aswell, which is why the stats surprise me O_O
deletedalmost 14 years
BTW, cop claims d1. ALWAYS. Oracle DOES NOT claim d1.
almost 14 years
Bandit, justification for that? I just went on a limb and did that, and (I realize this is unlikely) doc was janned.
almost 14 years
Cop claims and outs report d1
almost 14 years
Also wtf when did this get so many plays
deletedalmost 14 years
It's an awesome setup, that's why.
almost 14 years
Soben2 6 days 12 hours "After this round it'll be 57% mafia win I'm pretty sure. Will show you." After 895 games 57% Mafia wins 42% Town wins!
deletedalmost 14 years
Delete this setup imo.
deletedalmost 14 years
43/56. It's evening out. seriously, I play this a lot, and it's never seemed lopsided to me
deletedalmost 14 years
"I play this a lot and it seems OK to me" is nowhere near as good a judge as 1,000 games of data.

And I don't think you'd really notice the difference between a 40/60 and 50/50 setup from playing it 20 times or so.