  • Chooses one person at night.
  • Visits that person (can be Driven).
  • Checks alignment, then performs an action:
  • If the Mimic chose a town:
  • ...Visits that person and self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Steals their role and turns them into a Villager.
  • If the Mimic chose a mafia:
  • ...Visits self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Turns self into a Villager.
  • If the Mimic chose a 3rd party role:
  • ...Visits self (cannot be Driven).
  • ...Turns self into an Amnesiac.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

drunken slutty party (dsp) played 170 times
almost 13 years
And there. The role now actually has a purpose. He can swap places with the cop to make cop unknown to the mafs. He can even sacrifice himself to check the alignment of random people.
deletedalmost 13 years
nice adjustment! thx lucid
almost 13 years
If the mimic visits a town PR's role, it steals it and turns them blue.
If the mimic visits any non town PR/maf it turns blue.
If the mimic visits a 3rd party role he becomes an amn.

Would this be a good summary of the mimic's powers?
almost 13 years
@osama ">Sided with the village and appear innocent." GF doesn't seem sided with the village for me.
almost 13 years
what happenes when he mimics a godfather?
GFs apper innocent.
deletedalmost 13 years
in other words, the role-swap only functions when sided with the village and non-guilties. millers, mafia, framed cant be role-swapped
deletedalmost 13 years
and when role-swapping / turning town into villager, the chosen person must be sided with the village (which is already there)
almost 13 years
Woah. Um. This role isn't that good, I mean, if the player he chooses is guilty or appears to be guilty, he SHOUKD turn blue. Not just if they "appear"
almost 13 years
another role which turns maf into blues, not sure if I like this
deletedalmost 13 years
yeah, i intended it to be a role-swap, where the role-swapped becomes villager if appearing innocent and stays the same if appearing guilty. meanwhile the mimic takes the role of the chosen player if they appear innocent, but if they appear guilty, he becomes a villager. by that token, if the mimic chooses villager or mafia / miller, they will become villager, and the miller wont become a villager all of a sudden
almost 13 years
So he duplicates power roles and turns millers into blues?
deletedalmost 13 years
This was the original description (reworded):

- Can choose one person at night only once per game.
- If the person chosen is sided with the village and appears innocent, the mimic will become that role during the night.
- The chosen person will become a villager if they are sided with the village and appear innocent.
- If the person chosen appears to be guilty, the mimic will become a villager.
- Sided with the village.


Just saying.
almost 13 years
You missed the part where he becomes cop?
deletedalmost 13 years
.... so pretty much, it turns miller into blue, and just becomes blue... wtf is the point?
almost 13 years
Uploaded a roleicon, enjoy :)
almost 13 years
I can foresee lots of trolling and drama with this.
deletedalmost 13 years
its not rlly like a cop because if you mimic a villager, you become a villager. you mimic a mafia, you become a villager.
When you turn a villager you wont know if they are mafia or town
almost 13 years
Nice, it's like a role that makes me want to suicide immediately when I'm cop and get mimicked.

Also call it a mime you nigra
almost 13 years
Nice! It's like an amnesiac, one use cop.
almost 13 years
+K, I really like this role.
deletedalmost 13 years
i'm interested in seeing this in ranked / comp play
about 13 years

about 13 years
THis role could easily preserve other PR if Doc dies....or outs or something
deletedabout 13 years
i just threw those 2 role icons together as concepts for someone better at that.
about 13 years
+k :)