
London, UK
part of  family

Eckstavo was born in 2003, a lone Terran born on a space station called High Earth. He grew up in the surrounding systems, learning to master trade routes and profiteering from wide spsce venture.

He has popped up in games such as Earth and Beyond, Eve-Online, City of Heroes, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online and Age of Conan.

As a mafia player, he was widely regarded as a trend setter on Siqi Chen's Facebook Mafia.

almost 13 years
fine link me alex
almost 13 years
You are by far the best mafia player I have ever had the honor of knowing and I would buy you a pint should we ever meet alex
deletedalmost 14 years
Oh hi ecks
deletedalmost 14 years
lameo. :( well your hilarious to have around :)
deletedalmost 14 years
anddd you left!
almost 14 years
+2k 4 u
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
Nah. Haven't played Mafia in over a year. Weird to see you back after so long though... :)
almost 14 years
You rock. Confuckingfirmed :)
almost 14 years
Hey bro, did you forget about this thread? I've seen you post elsewhere so I knew you were on. What do you think?
almost 14 years
I'm at the end of the semester for my classes, I wont have much time to play until after the 15th. I usually play a couple games a day if I get too tired of studying, but for the next five hours, I'm in class.
almost 14 years
Sorry sorry, this week isn't the best. Next week I should be able to play, Tuesday and Thursday mornings (Monday and Wednesday evenings to you).
almost 14 years
Hey buddy, you misunderstand how hearts work. If someone has 1 heart when hearts reset it goes to 6. Whereas if someone has 0, it goes to 5. I'm not receiving anymore hearts than anyone else, I've just been banking an extra life for the last day.
almost 14 years
+K for the awesome mafia work
deletedalmost 14 years
You're back? Hell yeah.
almost 14 years
The dark side is a killer rush and then later it's kind of boring and frustrating, but then any villian with half a brain cell knows they're ultimately doomed. But I had to do something to make mafia interesting without you around ;-)
almost 14 years
+k for the excellent metagaming
almost 14 years
+k for the man who trained me to be a rockstar
deletedalmost 14 years
>:( Where the hells bells have you been this whole time??? =]
almost 14 years
*salutes* welcome back teacher ;-)