

Hello! I'm Crystal. What a surprise. I am in fact a girl. Another surprise.

I was addicted to EM 2 years ago, now I'm back when I'm bored. Except for this summer, where I've gotten pretty much re-addicted. Oh well. Sometimes I'll reminisce about the good old days of EM with negs and supertrolls.

You'll probably get along with me. I'm fun. I'm kind of unpredictable. So watch your back. Also, listen to me. I normally know what I'm talking about.

This game happened: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/2011851/review


deletedalmost 11 years
It never worked out with us because I'm gay.
Totally not surprised.
anonymousabout 11 years
http://tinyurl.com/ptpglby Better?
Better, but still awful.
anonymousabout 11 years
Absolutely not.
about 11 years
YAY :)
deletedabout 11 years
u gay.
no, but you are.


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
15 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 20Clint Eastwood
almost 13 years
+k returned for being awesome :]
almost 13 years
man. i remember my first game was with you, and we were all still noobs xDD you rock now. +k'ed!
deletedalmost 13 years
Yes you are fun, but the only thing you need to know is to ONLY hate cheaters and that's it. +k
almost 13 years
Hurry up and make a game!
almost 13 years
you're the bestest <3
almost 13 years
+k for what? xD but thanks. +k'd you back. :)
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
I'm sorry!
I just love being townsided fool WAY to much.
almost 13 years
Here's the +k i owe you :)
almost 13 years
GJ again
deletedalmost 13 years
haha..nice. Comp is pretty good as i said but sometimes people dere just take the game a bit too seriously lol..which always looks strange to me XD. I actually hate the setups this round..dat's why I'm not running..haha :P
almost 13 years
Aw thanks! I'll try to remember you for +king when i hit 2000, although i'm not entirely sure how the karma system works...
almost 13 years
Well played, would +k if i could.
almost 13 years
+K, pro female player! :D
deletedalmost 13 years
lol..you should try it once...i'm sure you'd do great...your readings are always so pro lol :D
deletedalmost 13 years
lol..idk..but we should play more games together XD and do you go to comp? lol
deletedalmost 13 years
lol..ik..i never knew either..oh.and i'm adding you on my favs list :D..oh and you've been plussed lol
almost 13 years
+k for cool game
almost 13 years
plussed you!
almost 13 years
Thanks for the support, I just got +k'd by someone so now I can thank you. :)

Really appreciate it.