

Friends (1)


1 / 20Super Sleuth!
over 11 years
almost 12 years
kim Willetton
almost 12 years
wilton kim
almost 12 years
rate me 1-10 on how fuckable i am please! mint ginging tea tree
almost 12 years
free cup/mug on ebay get your one today before they run out just pay for postage!
almost 12 years
ecoscreen diamond lattice 2400X1200mm privacy s/cream 9331249000164 2@98.73
about 12 years
click picture on fling on level one in dance area
about 12 years
click airport tower
click left eye of dosh fish
club fling
mulch island
labs lab
click green icecream cone figgs cafe
about 12 years
about 12 years
snottiegobble says...
Sorry folks! The town is CAPEL
( between Bunbury & Busselton) & tell Karen at the FROG SONG I sent you!
about 12 years

Amazing Danny!
I have found dragons ! After our discussion I happened to call into my local nursery & ask the simple question " do you know anything about Dragon fruit?" The prompt reply was " Of course, I have some over there, theyre all the red fleshed variety !! My Ex brings them down from Kalbari & he`s bringing a heap more down this Friday"
Consequently I am now a proud owner of quite a large cactus about 1ft high with a high offshoot giving it another 2 inches.( Sorry still not into cmtres)
The nursery ( & pottery) is called FROGSONG & its right in the middle of the town`s main st called Forest Rd. Email:
Karen has just been accredited "waterwise nursery" & says the dragons relish the sunniest spot with little water. She also claims that her supplier in Kalbarri is the only person up there who gets them to flower & retain their fruit. Hope this will be a help to other S`westerners
about 12 years
hi, the flower usually opens at night but depending on the temperature can open during the day. once it has opened allow a couple of hours for the pollen to set ( goes powdery) then using a clean artists brush pollinate the stamen. you will know within about a week if you have been successful when the flower droops and the base stays green. another factor to consider is if the plant is still young (1-2 years old)
quite often the flowers will only set if the plant has passed into its 3rd year. of all the dragons that i have, ranging from 6 years to 1 year the average flower set is 3 years on. also dont forget to keep up the well rotted manure and wetting agent and in hot climates some form of shade. hope this is of some help to you