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DarkB's Wicked Games

about 5 years

Welcome to DarkB's Wicked Games! Many players will enter, only one will win! Try to survive my random minigames to make sure you aren't eliminated. You could be sent to the dungeon... or even worse... death.

How it works:

Players will be randomly selected by me to play the minigame of my choosing. The loser(s) of the minigame will be either sent to the dungeon or even eliminated. Scoreboards will reflect the amount of kills a player has and how many minigames they have played.

Dungeon Mechanics:

Being sent to the dungeon adds a new tag to you on the side. I will be using a random dice online and you have 3 turns to roll a 6 on that die. If you roll it, you escape. If not, let's just say that the werewolves in the basement will enjoy the meal I've given them. :)


I am considering making a few random people that die get to sponsor someone, and they win with their sponsee (is that a word?)

Signing Up

Just type that you are interested, and do note that there will be usually an hour timer on your minigame, so if you don't show up to the minigame, I kill you.


Oh yes the feedback. Let me know what else I should add to this! I may consider having the winner of the first Games give me a suggestion that we will use in the next one!

That's it that's all!

I will try and host a few of these so don't get discouraged if you don't get in the first one! And remember to sign up to be kil.. I mean to have fun!

about 5 years
about 5 years
Match One: Torreador vs Will (you guys dont have to respond right away. Pick a number 1-10. 2 numbers will send you to the dungeon.
about 5 years
about 5 years
let me in
about 5 years
about 5 years
about 5 years
pick mememememmemeemmeeee
about 5 years
We could actually start with 10 and I can start dming people what types work for you
about 5 years

sevenseas says

what time will it be at

We have to see what times are good for everyone, which I will do after I set a limit (not sure it will reach 30)
about 5 years
I'll join
about 5 years
what time will it be at
about 5 years
why not
about 5 years
meme me
about 5 years
me as well, please! :D
about 5 years
im down
about 5 years
about 5 years

Torreador says

yeah sure

you can find me and ping me on the EM discord if you need me for a game

>30 players
ok this will never end

I'll see on how popular 30 players is. If not we'll have possibly 2nd chance with less people
about 5 years
about 5 years
Sign me up please
about 5 years
yeah sure

you can find me and ping me on the EM discord if you need me for a game

>30 players
ok this will never end