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Epicmafia Lore Book

almost 6 years

Good day.

As Epicmafia currently resides in a waning phase, I thought there might be some value (however small) in finally compiling and historicizing its history. I began this project a few weeks ago by posting silly writeups on certain people's profiles, and at the request of a few I am ready to begin taking requests and going public with the project.

G:\Accessing records...

G:\Over 747,901 articles found.


Please enter a subject in quotations and I shall do my best to find all information on it.

about 5 years
about 5 years
How do you spot a Holdenrye alt? Just wait for it to mention Holdenrye. No one talks about Holdenrye except Holdenrye.
about 5 years

Challahgirl says


Redirected from: Challahgirl, ShaynaLesbian, LevyMan435, TheRealLapisazuli, TheRealJasper, TheNewLapis, TheRealPeridot, TheFakePeridot, TheFakeLapisLazuli, TheRealBismuth, and 293 other results.

Holden Rye is a bisexual badboy billionaire most notable for his outrageous and illegal statements made while terrorizing Main Lobby and Sandbox with psionic attacks.

The background of Holden is unclear beyond his claims of being in some way connected to Morgan Bebop's background (Bebop denies this.) He first appeared in Main and became prominent for a string of catfishing events that eventually led to his ban and his first attack on Epicmafia. When he came to Sandbox he switched between a series of identities used to manipulate games and other users until another banishment. Upon returning, Holden claimed to be making backroom deals with owner Alyssa to maintain his safety and attacked EM once again when banished for bad behavior.

Overall it is agreed that Holden is one of the worst new additions to the banned user pantheon, especially considering his threats of spreading illegal content featuring minors onto EM in order to get higher powers to destroy the land. He also loves the attention he has received in the lore book, but will be displeased to know that this article is a stub, and you can help by expanding it.
about 5 years
golb come back
about 5 years
Do the Golbolco records have anything on these legends: B0oty / kittenz73 / Ambipom / Creper / POGOSTER / LOLUMAD / Stephen / NinjaSlap
about 5 years
Just wanted to say, these are amazing G
about 5 years
the EPIC weekly bulletin
about 5 years
i want to know why the boar emote exists
about 5 years
find something on the "cube" phenomenon

it faded too quickly so good luck gobvlo
about 5 years

Golbolco says

grisly says

at the risk of incurring the wrath of the masses: verum?️ark

How could one record lore on that which has no face?

They go by a thousand names but it all means the same. They are the very avatar of Lucid's miscreation, a fluke in the code that gave birth to some semblance of a living creature. If only it didn't take on the faces of others.

Verumbark is the name given to the living embodiment of the Disguiser role, a mafia role that has been present in Epicmafia since its inception. What Verumbark is, nobody can quite recall: it entered the scene relatively recently despite its source's age. They became involved in a sizeable conflict during Foxie's ownership of Sandbox that eventually led to her appointing Dooze as a successor. In the modern day they usually embrace their identity as the Disguiser, and can be seen skulking outside of mafia ranches on the dune sea. It is entirely possible that, due to their fluid identity, Verumbark has been many users in the past, influential or otherwise, slowly shaping Sandbox's history for their own goals.

She’s got me.
about 5 years

Around six months ago, someone emerged from the mountains, representing the American way. Shortly thereafter, Dilbert comics began circulating the Sandbox marketplace once again.
about 5 years
Ballsy's relationship with the Kenny regime deteriorated overtime; unfortunate, as Ballsy and Kenny were friends in their personal lives. Around this time, he and Fred the Mole moved in with Arials92, and a disagreement with local law enforcement led Ballsy to go to the mountaintops and pray to his gods for help. On his way down the mountain in the morning, Ballsy found a body in the snow, not wrapped in the grey garb of a noavi. He believed that this person, Golbolco, was the answer his gods had in store.

Golbolco had no qualms with overthrowing Kenny and a plot to destroy the Sandbox regime was set into motion by the Templars, as they called themselves. Ballsy served as a moderator under Golbolco and led a prison break, notably entering a firefight with his old flatmate Hima and freeing Pavoneo, MeetTerry, and Jamal Marley. When the Owner Wars ignited, Ballsy retreated to Fred's private villa (bankrolled by the war effort) and lived in bliss with Fred, Arials, Nuggets, and Parudoks. But paradise ended once again and he reentered the public eye in late 2016, helping to direct the Anime and Stuff club against [DNF]'s rule.

As we all know, the final campaign in 2016 was fought in Christmas Eve. Ballsy launched himself from Snowy B.'s old pirate ship as a gigantic cannonball and crashed into the Sand Castle to rendezvous with the other Templars. It was here that he gave his life to save Fred, Arials, and Golbolco as the castle crumbled, using his body to break their falls. In his dying moments, he revealed his face to Golbolco.

"A man, nothing more." -Golbolco, on Ballsy Stripper's face.

A memorial statue was resurrected in front of the castle during Fred's time in power. Ballscorp is owned entirely by Luis4Rod and somewhere deep underground, the Templars live on and celebrate Ballsy's life. His legacy in Sandbox will never be forgotten.
about 5 years

arials92 says

"Ballsy Strippers"

Ballsy Strippers is perhaps hands-down the most influential Sandbox users ever. The mastermind behind [DATA NOT FOUND]'s downfall, the progenitor of the Templars and by extension the Golbamaniacs, and mentor to Alyssa Jimbei in the arts of politics and mafia, Ballsy left behind a grand legacy that continues to this day.

From humble beginnings: Nightofthelivingcats was an early Sandbox pioneer who had discovered the cybernetic basketball rusting in the dunes. Once awoken, Ballsy Strippers took on a life that indicated he was much more than an eight foot tall orange transformer: there was a man inside of there, and he was here to win.

Ballsy formed a business with Luis 4 Rod called Ballscorp which led to a very active participation in elite Sandbox circles. They all lived in Nightofthelivingcats's penthouse nearby to the Sand Castle, along with Himapapa, the singer Buddy Holly, Smishly, and eventually Kino and Nauta. When Nightofthelivingcats married Buddy Holly, Ballsy bought the property from him.

Life was paradise for Ballsy, until the emergence of the entity known as "zzzzz," who had found his way into Ballsy's property and began causing problems for other residents. This entity was later identified as an early incarnation of [DATA NOT FOUND]. Ballsy also found himself becoming increasingly lazier and unmotivated, and at conflict with fellow flatmates, so he sold the property to Hima and started living at odd properties owned by Ballscorp. [DATA NOT FOUND] rose to notoriety at this point and Ballsy's old flatmate Hima, with her position as a sitemod, had protected him from scrutiny; so Ballsy decided to take matters into his own hands: form a team of users who could help keep his antics in Sandbox under control, without the help of the government. It was also around this time that he became the mentor of Alyssa Jimbei, and they lived together for about a year before Alyssa moved into Ace's complex.
about 5 years
Best year of EpicMafia: none this site is godawful
about 5 years
also "lore book" sounds boring, how about... DAB-bling in EPIC VICTORY ROYALE MAFIA history?
about 5 years
i think i should be the executive director
over 5 years
"The N Slasher Era"
over 5 years
over 5 years

nightmarePhantom says

"Graphical Mode"

Graphical mode is the default appearance of Lucid's mafia game. Some users seem to have their mafia-viewing suite bug out and display lines of text for dialogue, play cheap music (for the day time), and rely on computer inputs and outputs for gameplay. Why this happens is uncertain, but can be easily fixed.
over 5 years
Do lore on one-vio leashes. Good luck
over 5 years
do lore on the Epicmafia Lore Book
over 5 years
Golbolco do you remember/know much about me and my ~mysterious moderately lengthy past~?
over 5 years

aquarius says

"bakerswag and his lobby legacy"

ok im done

G:\ Did you mean SuperChimpy?

Super Chimpy, also known as BakerSwag, was a legendary competitive player who managed to game the rules and accrue literally millions of points with her revolutionary bakerswag setup. After being banished from Comp, she retired in Sandbox and made a living off of her four agricultural sites in the far north, selling points to Sandbox users who were ill-equipped to get them otherwise. During the [DATA NOT FOUND] crisis in 2014, Christopherzilla appointed Super Chimpy as his moderator. She was later found dead around the same time as Christopherzilla's abdication, explained by conspiracy theorists such as Ballsy Strippers that the Clique had done it. Her four lobbies to the north were split up among her closest friends in life. May she rest in peace.
over 5 years

Since that day, a spectre has appeared once every few seasons, claiming to be the ghost of Error. Yet if one were to gaze upon his face, all they would see was the Moon itself glaring back in defiance. Nobody wishes to speak publicly about what happened, and the term "error" has become a bogeyman that parents use to keep their children from playing in the Russian mafia games. Perhaps it is better to let Error go into the night as he wished and not record his ill-begotten history.
over 5 years

Come the end of 2016: Bebop, who had become a sitemod, had put in a good word for Error and under the identity of Fnoof, Lucid chose him as administrator during his reawakening, in order to replace the popular Edark. Error's rule as admin was met with opposition from much of Sandbox as his reputation among the masses had been poisoned by people like Golbolco trying to spread the word. Fnoof, however, could not be toppled until Christmas Eve. After a public spat with Ben Turpentine, Error declared full martial law over Epicmafia and retreated to the Sand Castle in order to enact his last great scheme for power. It is said that the full Golbamaniac army and their allies were just barely able to crack the fortress and infiltrate.

Nobody knows what happened within the gates except for a few of the surviving Golbamaniacs and Doodoo gangsters. It is said that Golbolco and Error confronted, were ready to duel, but Lucid himself manifested and disintegrated Error's very body in a flash of light. The highest tower in the Sand Castle toppled, the Code Engine that was supposedly in the castle's basement blew out, and Ballsy Strippers was seen falling from the fortress to his death.