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The Survivor Trophy Problem

almost 6 years

Giving out trophies to Survivor players is a great way to reward people for putting in time and effort to make this site more competitive, more fun, and giving others the ability to play a great game of BB, Survivor, or whatever they choose.

But there's a problem.

We can't get Survivor Players the trophies they need fast enough because of the inherent problem of receiving the trophies. Trophies in Survivor Lobby aren't like main, where you play the games, receive the points, and then get the trophy. Instead, you have to play the games, organize everyone again to farm for the trophies, and then finally receive the product. However, in that organization process, it's easy for people that win trophies to either lose interest, not be available for trophy farming, or both.

As a result of this, there are twelve trophies currently pending for Survivor. These pending trophies belong to the people currently on the sidebar.

So we need better mechanics to get EMORG and Trophy Game players their trophies faster.

TL;DR: We need to make trophy people get trophies.

Post ideas or thoughts.

give survivor people da trophies
fast ok
almost 6 years
Please do not play trophy games if you're not willing to farm for the trophy if you win!!
almost 6 years
It goes against confidentiality, not to mention, it will increase the odds of yet another problem happening unfortunately.

As others state, it is an issue that is worked on slowly but surely that depends on us, the people in need of trophying, availability, and time itself.
almost 6 years
What if trophiers gave their PW to mods and Mods got people to do the games for them if they're truly not available
almost 6 years

cosmoiswatching says

Just set up a rolling queue

Doesn't seem to work very well because of scheduling
almost 6 years
Just set up a rolling queue
almost 6 years
tucker is doing a great job of getting things on track. i get that from an outside perspective a lot of what you see is a huge backlog but things are moving along.

it would be immensely helpful if those who win trophies could be understanding and make themselves available (even if to play a couple of games to match their placement).
almost 6 years
deletedalmost 6 years

matt says

Jsyk if you need someone to help farm the trophies with, I'm absolutely willing to help If I'm available. Just discord me.

matt - 09/05/2018
I hate trophy farming
So much
almost 6 years
Also not everyone has to be on at the same time. Jeff played one game, prcs played 2 and then ginga ally and i played the rest (i used a multi and I'm willing to multi for Anyone else.) Chris just has to dq everyone when the winner breaks 2k.
almost 6 years
Jsyk if you need someone to help farm the trophies with, I'm absolutely willing to help If I'm available. Just discord me.
deletedalmost 6 years
ok but why does this concern you even tho you never trophied?
deletedalmost 6 years
im still waiting for my trophy on whalerus
almost 6 years
retweet @ roro's post. tucker has been incredible with getting the trophies to people. like he said, with time zones and schedules, it's really difficult to get everyone online and on board with farming. it's not something that's being ignored, it's a really long process that's almost impossible to do if people aren't down to do it.
almost 6 years
jbob and hedger are def colluding to keep me from getting mine
almost 6 years
It's kinda hard getting everyone online/able to get the trophies they win. We've got quite a backlog, and despite our efforts to get everyone united, it's hard sometimes (especially with h*dger). We're working on it though!
almost 6 years
tucker has too many trophies already, make him wait longer
almost 6 years
use something different to represent a trophy
almost 6 years
even if that trophy stealing thing wasn't a problem the system is still a pain and always has been. It's been brought up with lucid and other site mods multiple times afaik and there's been no indication that we'll get much, if any, help. Unfortunately this is they way it'll likely remain because we're simply a lobby of regular accounts operating off the rest of the sites rules and abilities and we can only do so much within those limitations.

It's also not the first time we've been held up for a long time. (looking at the bmg trophy game)

For the most part it falls upon the trophiers to make the time to farm and it's honestly not that long of a process (especially considering how long they must have played in the game to trophy)
deletedalmost 6 years

Dared says

Ally says

it was postponed because of the Luke stealing trophy thing I'm p sure they're working on getting it back on track

oh, I'm out of the loop on this one.

can I get a quick rundown

he did it a couple rounds ago in main too he's Lollapalooza
almost 6 years

Ally says

it was postponed because of the Luke stealing trophy thing I'm p sure they're working on getting it back on track

oh, I'm out of the loop on this one.

can I get a quick rundown
deletedalmost 6 years
it was postponed because of the Luke stealing trophy thing I'm p sure they're working on getting it back on track
almost 6 years
Yeah this is an issue. I'm willing to build off of ideas here.