deletedover 6 years

this thread is about braces. of all kinds. feel free to discuss braces here

best kind of braces?
back braces
wrist braces
finger braces
dental braces
knee braces
neck braces
foot braces
deletedover 6 years
X rated material here
deletedover 6 years
Get the hell out of here this is the worst thread
over 6 years
im glad i never needed braces. one tooth is oddly crooked and bugs me though.
over 6 years
Reminder on the dangers of avoiding teeth correction.
over 6 years
in other news i defo need braces cos my teeth are pretty gapped (luckily(?) equally so) but money, convenience and aesthetics are holding me back.
over 6 years
over 6 years
yeah but those dentures would need braces
over 6 years
i agree
over 6 years
that would require dentures not braces
over 6 years
Don't worry quasi, I'll punch your teeth out so you can have braces and be cool too.
over 6 years
kids these days want braces because braces make you cool now and they like making their colors match their friends colors my niece was so excited to get braces because all of her cool friends have braces so now she can also be cool
over 6 years
my biggest annoyance with braces is that the wire always pocked the insides of my monuth so i would put wax there but that tasted gross so i had gum :o
deletedover 6 years
lisa needs braces
over 6 years
P.S. Take this with a pinch of salt, but different orthodontists tend to give you different opinions on your teeth. So if one says that you need have your teeth removed for them to give you braces, chances are, another won't.
over 6 years
I had braces when I was 13-14. Everyone said their experiences with it were traumatic but it didn't feel bad at all for me, except for the first few days of getting them and 1-2 days after each visit to the orthodontist where he'd tighten them (this would happen maybe once a two-three months? I'd just go to sleep earlier so no harm done really). I have to wear an upper retainer to sleep though nowadays but it feels like absolutely nothing and I would feel weird if I slept without it (got used to it like a pacifier I guess) because I'd feel like my teeth are reverting back to their old crooked self (and they do feel different after a night without the retainer, so I try to wear it even if I'm going somewhere). It only took my teeth a year and a half maybe to straighten out (which is quite a short amount of time) so I guess they're very flexible, which is why I don't want to give them any chance of becoming crooked (I don't wear a retainer on my lower teeth and one has already crooked, but it's totally ok because people don't see it).

I had a pretty good experience, none of the painful stuff I heard about it. I suppose it also depends not only on your biology but on your orthodontist; the one I went to was quite old and experienced so he knew what he was doing. I think if it's something you want you should definitely go for it (provided you have the money for it or are British), but if you don't want it then people shouldn't pressure you into it. It really won't make or break your appearance - it didn't for me, though I guess you can't really base your assumptions on what I say because I think crooked teeth can look very nice on some people.

Wow, this was long but I hope it helps someone!
over 6 years
Where is lisa's braces on this poll?
over 6 years
do ya one better sl0n, be the older age groomer for this season so we can ban you both.
over 6 years
this thread sucks, ban shounen from the forums for 24 hours
over 6 years
I got braces at 16 and bitched about it for 8 months straight until my mom couldn't deal anymore and she had them taken off. F*** those things. And she made me get them LITERALLY ON VALENTINES DAY. Ugh.
over 6 years
I had to have them twice but from 2nd to 3rd grade and then again from 4th to 6th grade.

Needless to say, I was not popular and people didn't like me. that also had to deal with my personality at the time, but that aside, braces f!!king suck.
over 6 years

aexif says


>love life

My point exactly, it's hard enough as it is
over 6 years
i wear a back brace sometimes cause of scoliosis :D
deletedover 6 years

>love life
over 6 years
My dentist wants me to get braces again. I had them when I was 10 but I was too young so when one of my teeth came in it was really jacked up.

I'm 21, I can't get braces again. Do you have any idea how many people assume you're underage when you have braces? Do you know what that does to your love life?
over 6 years
where is the eye braces option