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Poker Tourney (TOKEN PRIZE)

over 9 years


HI! As far as I know this is the first Texas Hold'em Tourney here on Epic Mafia dot com. The winner will be reciving 200 Tokens courtesy of myself.

Requirements for joining the tourney

  • Skype for easy contacting and match setups
  • Gyazo or Puush for fast screenshotting (will explain why this is necessarily below)
  • About an hour on each match day to make sure everything goes well


  • Cheating is forbidden. Players caught cheating will be automatically disqualified. Cheating includes intentionally throwing games, Playing Kingmaker, etc.

  • A screenshot taken with Gyazo or Puush after each player is eliminated must be sent to me within one minute. Otherwise the integrity of the game can be compromised.

  • Kicking is discouraged in almost every case. If the timer finishes, please give the player some leeway. If they do not finish their turn, message me on Skype and I will authorize the kick. Otherwise, the kick will be illegal and warrant punishment on you. If you are kicked, please message me so I can determine if a rematch or punishment is in order.

  • Failure to show up will result in a disqualification. This includes being late to the tourney (there will of course be some leeway) to rage quitting.

  • Before each match, I will choose one of the players to create the game. The game will be passworded (any password of their choice) and they will send the link of the game to me. I will then send this link to their opponent. Games played not according to this rule will be discarded.

Overall Format

  • The tournament will be held with 4 Player Poker

  • Each group will play each other twice receving points based on elimination (4th: 1, 3rd: 2, 2nd: 3, 1st: 4)

Group Stages Format

  • 16 (or a larger multiple of 4) players will be randomly sorted into 4 groups for the Groups Stage

  • Each group will play a Best of 2 Round Robin The Top 2 players from each groups, based on points, will advance into the Brackets Stage

Bracket and Finals Stages Format

  • The matches for the Round of 8 and the Quarterfinals will be Best of 2's

  • The semifinals, finals, and 3rd place matches will be Best of 3's


So there you have it. Please make sure to actually read the requirements before submitting your application to join the tourney. But if you've read this far, you should've read it. Otherwise, RIP me. The signups will close in about 3 days or whenever the 16 player minimum is filled. If more people join, I will expand the tournament as necessary but not by much (I will probably hardcap it at 28 players). Good luck to anyone who joins.

Sign Up!

Please PM me these details.

Account you'll compete on:

What's your Skype:

Do you have Gyazo or Puush:

If not, get either one!

Have you read the rules?

Player List (Confirmed Only)

  • BillStickers
  • Scindo
  • Lashka
  • ballsy
  • theturningRAY
  • xxerox
  • ImperialUnits
  • Groose
  • Eloquent
  • Cosmostylin
  • AnimeAnarchy
  • Facilier
  • SonicTheHuman
  • z3ro
  • Chinatsu
over 9 years
over 9 years
If you can make a 5th table or w/e I'm in =)
over 9 years
and thats 20 ppls am i right?
deletedover 9 years
over 9 years
sign me up too :3
deletedover 9 years
Sign me up
over 9 years
over 9 years
brb --crying...
over 9 years
We've filled the 16 slots, you can still apply to take slot if anyone drops out and if we get another set of 4 for another table I'll go ahead and add it. =)

deletedover 9 years
2 many rules zzz
over 9 years
Sign me up
deletedover 9 years

EDIT: too lazy to wait 1 minute. use this for the time. tool created by foxie
over 9 years
Tfw you lose in the first round because the only deck you know is royal flush
over 9 years
I'm in. I love poker.
over 9 years
One more place, running with 16 =)
deletedover 9 years
hmmm I'm not confirmed yet?
over 9 years
I reserve
over 9 years
Time wise:

Ideally, I'd like to commence the first round on Saturday at 6 PM CST, then the finals at 6 PM CST on Sunday.
over 9 years

AnimeAnarchy says

can i just have the money when i win

It's 20 bucks. Also no.
deletedover 9 years
Also Sidekick, please do 6 players per table instead of 4. It's the most interesting format.
deletedover 9 years
whoever wins can be my sugar daddy
deletedover 9 years
can i just have the money when i win
over 9 years
i would play but im pretty sure im gonna be out this whole weekend ://
over 9 years
What time is this happening?
over 9 years
Please PM me Skype if you wanna join!!! Need at least 6 more players =)