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Mintie's guide to iconning

about 13 years

Want to get in on token earning fun? Made a role and no one's made an icon for it yet? Tired of himeyasha making every icon ever? Then this guide is for you!

-Your canvas should be 20x20 (pixels!)

-When you're first starting out, i suggest using the blue icon as a base (here's a link! ) and just editing it heavily. If it looks like a blue after you've edited it, think of how you can make it look more like the intended role and less like a blue. Such as: would this role be holding something? What should I do with the hair? Would it make sense to give it a hat?

-A lot of the current icons don't have hands showing. Some don't even have mouths. Icons are really simplistic, while a few details are nice, unless you need them to tell what the role is and distinguish it from other roles, don't stress over adding ten thousand details!

-It looks nicer if you either add slightly/mostly transparent pixels of similar color to adjacent pixels, or have the borders of areas of color be slightly darker than the centers.

-Always work on a transparent background if possible. Use programs like Windows, requires .net framework, link, Pixen (What i use, mac only, link: , and Gimp ( both mac and windows, mac requires x11 or a variation. link: ) instead of MS Paint (the default graphics editor that comes with Windows) , as MS Paint doesn't support transparency

-It helps to zoom in! It really does!

-Your main tools should be a size 1 pencil tool, a size 1 eraser, and and paint bucket set to 0 tolerance. For the most part, the other tools will mess everything up.

-Edit > undo (or Edit > step backwards) is really helpful if you use the other tools!

-Edit > redo (or Edit > step forwards) is helpful if you didn't mess up but undid it anyways!

Himeyasha's notes about colors


>-If you get a role like Judge or Priest seek other colors. purple and red is what I chose.

>-Another thing to note is to avoid bright colors. Aim for slightly to very dull colors.

>-EM doesn't use pure black it uses #63625d

Now go out and make icons!

deletedover 10 years
Not much doll, hope you're well
over 10 years
Addition: Roleimg.png doesnt work anymore because of how lucid changed the icons. amazing. Although I guess if you want to look at whathisface's icons it works
over 10 years
Sup Eris
deletedover 10 years
Hey Mintie <3
over 10 years
Bumping this while I can still find it even tho it's irrelevant now p much \O/
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
I stickied this when I was a mod, fyi.
deletedabout 13 years
You should add a link to roleimg.png to the OP.
about 13 years
Don't forget to kill the old style by not smoothing out any edges like all the older role icons did!
about 13 years


If you get a role like Judge or Priest seek other colors. purple and red is what I chose.

Another thing to note is to avoid bright colors. Aim for slightly to very dull colors.

EM doesn't use pure black it uses #63625d
about 13 years
thanks for the bump, full
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
Skill > idea > time spent
about 13 years
Nobody uses Micromedia Fireworks anymore. Pretty much they key to Pixel Art is patience. If you aren't patient then you will never be successful. Same with GFX, patience is the key to a good design.
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
I can vouch for edark, he does great painting for people, all for free, just send him your pic
about 13 years
MS paint > everything else
deletedabout 13 years
It's all about the Inkscape.
deletedabout 13 years
GIMP 2 > Paint.Net
deletedabout 13 years
I suggest using I use it for all my image editing.