
Report #7,977

Report Details

closeddeletedover 13 years

Cop had guilty, he shot a blue instead. then MitsuruFuckingKirijo sui'd
over 13 years
Mimichu, you weren't in the game and that's not because i don't have you as an "ebuddy" that you can show how much you're butthurt here. it's the report section kthx.
over 13 years
Cop claimed with guilty. Guilty claims cop with inno. You shoot a random person instead of shooting the guilty that was obviously guilty? Instead of trying to look cool for your ebuddies you should actually try to win.
over 13 years
I wanted to pwn the hidden maf, we were sure one of them was maf...i wanted to shoot someone else (not random by intuition) to avoid to pwn the real cop and maybe gettin a maf PR (Lawyer/hooker) but obviously i failed :/
over 13 years
There were cop ccs, and you shot someone that wasn't a cop cc or a cop report. :\
over 13 years
Anyway, i admit i shot bad and quick. But sh*t happens and we can't always be great.
over 13 years
There was cop CCs, so i wasn't sure who to trust !!! So i shot someone i felt scummy so well be able to lynch between CCs then. Btw someone suicided right after i shot, which is completely derpy.