
Report #78,166

Report Details

closedabout 11 years
Just for consideration. This is a report on Hitmonlee123 and Angray. This is me and Coachsam digging into a suspicion we had about these 2 cheating with each other. What we found was rather disturbing. We seem to have good evidence that these 2 cheat to get mr. Hitmonlee123 wins for his pie chart. And to keep him on the fame chart for as long as possible.
about 11 years
Probably a inverse GT alt.
deletedabout 11 years
Hitmonlee likes kissing me in the gayest of ways
about 11 years
Evidence #5 I seen them gay kissing
about 11 years
OH YEAH I FORGOT. All of these games are days apart. With the same two people. Like he didn't play games at all for days. But it just happened to have the same 2 people. Hitmonlee wins every single one. This is what started our suspicion. (besides his pie chart. because its ridicoulous.)
about 11 years
We believe they use OGI to win games. This is our evidence. Hope you see something in it. Just trying to be helpful to the epicmafia world. Thanks for looking into it if you do. :)
about 11 years
Evidence #4: This is the game we were in with the 2 of them.
Jailer just happened to not jail the one person in the lobby not talking. Jailer asked for Agent to claim, and the very next day, almost immediately, you see hitmonlee asking if agent should claim, looking for someone to cc, seeing as though he doesn't know what to do considering this is his first time. and that was interrupted by coach making a comment about his pie chart. Jailer still misses the mafia even though Hitmonlee was throwing around claims and fossing people. Yeah, even though Jealous goat just happened to leave as soon as everyone found out it was autowin for town, I don't think he was actually associated with Hitmonlee, but you never know. and yet again jailer misses the actual mafia. he jailed literally everyone besides the people to die and the mafia. and then the game ends yadayadayada
about 11 years
Evidence #3
That game is the kicker though. Angray knew that Hitmonlee was blue, so why not kill him? It would give the town a much better advantage. Angray hit another blue the next night, surprisingly. and then proceeded to guilty someone who was alive, a ROOKIE mistake for D2. pretty much was thrown, but done so well as to hide any possible sign of it. and Hitmonlee won, dispite being the first to die that game
about 11 years
Evidence #2:
In this game, Hitmonlee keeps Angray alive (for obvious reasons, why would you kill your blue partner when you now already have a better chance at hitting a PR)
He hits the doc by luck, cop by luck, but in the end he still has his buddy Angray. He gets Angray to make stupid points on the last day to make it look like the blue is actually mafia. BetterCallSaul, another player on the top Ranked list just 'happened' to lose that game (because of Angray and Hitmonlee teaming of course)
Angray was 'complete scum' on the last day, so its no wonder that BetterCallSaul thought he was mafia. Hitmonlee, the real mafia, proceeded to hammer the win for the mafia
about 11 years
Evidence #1:
In that game, Mr. Hitmonlee123 (by luck) dies N1, but Mr. Angray goes on to win that game by a "miracle" he gains a kudo for it. Hitmonlee123 and Angray were on the same team that round