
Report #77,121

Report Details

closedalmost 11 years
This guy keeps harassing me. After that : Are mods really harassment friendly??
almost 11 years
Cmon with all the proof mod still asks what harassment?! Can't it be more clear how mods protect harassers?! This guy keeps lobby camping and kicking me from games!
almost 11 years
And let's remember it. The reason for the harassment is because I reported him for OGI. Which he keeps doing.
almost 11 years
So you assume the harassment. Let it be recorded so mods see that harassers are welcome here.
almost 11 years
I'm not asking for their protection, I'm just showing them this report so we could have a good laugh. So thank your for the entertainment you provide!
almost 11 years
Man up and dont ask your friends to protect you lol
almost 11 years
u're harassing me because I reported u for meta. Man up and dont ask your friends to protect you.
almost 11 years
I'm allowed to kick people i dont like from my games, if you don't like it host your own game.