
Report #7,434

Report Details

closedover 13 years

Day 1 we asked for cop to claim all day. With no claim we assumed it's confirmed setup 2 and allow watcher to claim and massclaim to him. He then leads on doc and kills bomb at night. This is clear gamethrowing because Cop always claims day 1 and he clearly doesn't think Jack is real because he does not claim to him. He had no intent on trying to win this game and allowed mafia to lead the entire game.
over 13 years
Voting to overturn this. PoorHobo played gamethrowingly bad. Not claiming cop D1 allows mafia to take advantage of the lack of claim by claiming whatever PR isn't present, get claims and fuck over town hard (which is what happened here) because the entire town thinks that they are clear. Also note Poor said he didn't care if he won or lost D1.
deletedover 13 years
"I thought he was real" In the graveyard you yelled at us for claiming to him and stated that you didn't claim because you didn't believe he was real. I played the game after the PRs died. I even lynched mafia. All you did was throw the game because you refused to claim cop and allowed us to confirm it was setup 2. Who would nto claim cop when town is SAYING it's setup 2 with no cop. That's like not claiming your role when you're about to be lynched.
over 13 years
and actually voltron, you had no intent on winning. you openly refused to play after the PRs died
over 13 years
i thought he was real :( and i didn't claim to him because i saw no need to. why would the other PRs claim to him? i thought that was stupid on their part. and the doc didn't even claim when he was about to die o_o
deletedover 13 years
Someone should refund this already. He had no intent on winning. He refused to claim cop, allowed us to believe it was setup 2 and let cleared mafia lead on whoever tey want and get all the roles.