excessive spamming day1 and day2, in the gy and even during the night. making the game absolutely un readable. this guy deserves more than just one violation
deletedover 11 years
spamming is not an acceptable strategy. and you spammed it more after you were confirmed mafia, so how is that a strategy? i was already lynched. and you still spammed. you spammed the entire day making the game unreadable for town. this guy deserves more than a violation.
deletedover 11 years
My spamming "@logout You are the shittiest player I've seen in a damn long time" in pregame caused town to think that you had asked to be lawyered janitor, and my continuation during the day confirmed it for them. Anybody reviewing this should read the previous game I was in to gain context, since it carried over from that. Look at Ev1lpyro's logic for leading the lynch against logout - was directly related to this. It was a strategy. And not only that, but it was a strategy that *worked*.