Possible Trolling/ Gamethrowing/ Cheating, and also a possible banned user. In this game I inv'ed darkmuffin n1 and I innoed him, my cc, lebrick claimed he had inv drysc and that he had an inno on him, we nl. It goes to next day and i inv drysc, and of course i get an inno on him, but lebrick gets a guilty on my inno, dark, so at this point we ask to doc out, and doc outs to be sapphire, so then drysc start going on and on about how dark is confirmed and all this while darth is still possible to be mafia, i point out darth to him and he doesn't care, i keep on telling him it's not it's not auto, but he doesn't listen, so i think this is one part that could be possible trolling, or he could know lebrick was mafia because of what i was saying and be gamethrowing, but now here's what gets me the most, look at this report cyrus put together now leyton comments in it talking shit to cyrus, but i believe leyton is lebrick, they talk similarily so i believe it's a possibly he was cheating with drysc, and i think i will get cyrus to take a look at the games played between leyton and drysc and to see if leyton and lebrick played together, because he's good at finding things out like this, now im going to move on to the banned user part of this, drysc claims to have 8000 games player in his whole time, yet this account he's on only has 2k points, and like usual lebrick went along with him and acted like this was true, so i think if you're a player with 8000 games played, and you're telling me this is auto when it's not auto, I think something is up. Now this can also go along with the trolling and gamethrowing because if you've played so much, how could you say something like that? Or he was gamethrowing/ cheating for lebrick, so he could win. Something has to be up here.