
Report #58,156

Report Details

closeddeletedover 11 yearsfor Game 1994894
Gamethrowing -- strongarms town into lynching on MYLO like a fucking retard, outs himself as doc unnecessarily, and then on top of that grudge lynches a cop CC. He admits it in post game. It was a grudge lynch. Textbook GT.
over 11 years
I meant in a previous game because I can see that...
deletedover 11 years -- he doesn't state "you were acting scummy" or anything like that, as he claims, but he says "it's your fault Super, you pissed me off". It was a grudge lynch. The proof is in that link. GG
over 11 years
i didnt grudgelynch. i lynched because i thought u were mafia tryhard. l2read. everything else i did was fine. gtfo idiot