
Report #56,098

Report Details

closedover 11 years
Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game, using multiple accounts in the same game, taking screenshots of your game and showing them to other players to prove your alignment, or repeatedly playing with the intent for another person to win regardless of your own win condition. Pretending to cheat as a reaction test is also considered cheating.

kaileyyr claims to be cheating with maryye and pretending to cheat with someone in the graveyard is cheating because it can get people to vote with you.
PROOF - ''kaileyyr said at end of day 2 -
okay well maryye just told me jessica said it was paramore'' - even pretending to cheat is against the rules lol.
over 11 years
of course maryyye denied it she is smarter than kaileyyr because she would get a violation just as fast as kaileyyr did lol. - e.g you don't even need to look into something when you have the person admitting to doing it and if everyone admitted to doing bad stuff then you would not need cops lol.
deletedover 11 years
I don't really have proof they were cheating together. She denied it in the graveyard. I'll look into it though.
over 11 years
Hi, mods you might want to overturn this report if you think they were cheating together lol.
over 11 years Here is the game link that was taken from the other report because the mod did not think they were cheating together however pretending to cheat counts as cheating as well so kaileyyr should get a cheating violation lol.