
Report #5,318

Report Details

closeddeletedover 13 yearsfor Game 653311
Insufficent participation, is cop and lurks all game and NLs.
over 13 years
First of all, I'm sorry Dunning for the lost game. I didn't wanted town to lose. About the report now, I was participating, on D1 I just didn't said a word cause all the others just typed random stuff in the chat about who is Bp where I knew that this was the process where there was nothing to contribute too, also I was being the cop so I might have gotten killed at night if i drew the attention if i led the town to find the Bp. On D2 I was there but I had that dull innocent report which could have been also a lie, and after I saw that Bp had no gun a NL was for my opinion better because we were 8 guys meaning it was myslynchlose just like 7 guys lynch or lose which is also myslynchlose and I also wanted a second report maybe a guilty one, so I said I will NL, also the fact there is no doctor made me fear the fact to claim. And unfortunately in the end I had to go AFK for 1-2 minutes and while I had my vote on NL so I don't get Vegged they all voted me. That's the story...
deletedover 13 years
Oh yeah the 2 day rule. He was inactive day one as well.