my fucking god derfel. and u wonder why most of the site can't stand u. i understand y u filed the report, cuz people like to file reports on a whim cuz yolo or some shit, but your tenacity on this is fucking amazing. claps
deletedalmost 12 years
Read the end of the game - he says he explained to you already why he shot you. That would suggest he was talking to you during the game about the game.
so you still have not been able to put it in your dick head that he approached me only after the game was over, and that to explain and apologize for him shooting me???? are you this dense derfel???
deletedalmost 12 years
... except they admitted they were talking about the game.
deletedalmost 12 years
so if i'm dead and i casually talk to my alive friend and we don't share any info i get a violation for cheating..?
deletedalmost 12 years
"Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game." That's it. Right there.
deletedalmost 12 years
Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game, using multiple accounts in the same game, taking screenshots of your game and showing them to other players to prove your alignment, or repeatedly playing with the intent for another person to win regardless of your own win condition. "to prove your alignment" , cyanskies never did that. i am sorry you have no friends to talk to derfel but if it was illegal to chat during games half of competitive would be banned.
"Derfel 10 hours 23 seconds "Gunshot = you lag out and can't see anything." Really? Since when? The site has its issues, but that isn't one of them." where the heck have you been: this has been a problem for like a month or so (liken it to being deadfiddled)
deletedalmost 12 years
The point here is that they were communicating outside of the game. That is clearly against the rules.
deletedalmost 12 years
it is true, i got shot in a game and i could not see anything afterwords.
deletedalmost 12 years
Also - I'd love to see all this "research" you have. It sounds fascinatingly futile.
deletedalmost 12 years
"Gunshot = you lag out and can't see anything." Really? Since when? The site has its issues, but that isn't one of them.
so you are implying that we talked during the game on skype and so he knew my role, thus being a bp he shot the caroler?? and then after i got shot he talked to me who cant even see the game??/ and after talking to me he lynched a town ???? and then admitted to being on skype with me ??? does he look like a monkey to you???? i wonder why they have not banned you yet for all the trolling and gamethrowing you did every round, and especially for mindora last round. you really want me to make a pastebin, because i do know what you have done and i always keep a repository of games for my research, and i have all those required to get you banned immediately, but i dont even give a fuck what you do, because it is not my fucking job.. dont u dare say anything to me.
May I also say. That considering he was shot. Gunshot = you lag out and can't see anything. So please. If your going to bring my integrity into question. Then I am very offended.
deletedalmost 12 years
Of course, if one half of the conversation gets a violation...
I'd like to point out that I was not aware that using skype at all during a game was wrong. I was simply under the impression that using ways to communcate with others for "Cheating Purposes" was not aloud. From what you can see in the images and the outcome of the game. This did not happen. All this tells me is that I need to wait till after a game to explain my thoughts. And I will do so. If I honestly need to take this violation I will. But considering my knowledge on the subject, I know it would be wrong to issue a violation based on me not knowing. From what you can tell. I'm sure you can tell it was not for reasons of "Cheating", or else I would have won? I'd like the staff to consider what I have said. - CyanSkies
deletedalmost 12 years
I do wish you'd stop using slurs against me - I'd hate to have to report you for it. You also do use Skype with players while in game - you posted two pictures below that prove that fact.
this guy has been saying in the forums that we use skype during the game. i want apology and deletion of that post, otherwise i report him for harassment
hey fagot, i was the dead player , and he was explaining me what happened in the game .. and the game was fucking over faggot
deletedalmost 12 years
Oh, and that last graphic actually proves you are cheating. In a game, if a player doesn't understand mechanics, he should have a dead player explain them to him DURING THE SAME GAME. Game, set, match.
deletedalmost 12 years
Reopened? Fantastic. Maybe look into how many other games they Skype in, too?