
Report #50,668

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closeddeletedalmost 12 years

I think that both the violation and the ban are exaggerated.

In terms of the violation, the main point is that that player just wanted an excuse to suicide. In the game he said "Then I'll veg and everyone will be angry." Whatever the case, if a player with 200 games played presses esc twice because that "will speed up the computer", I am not sure whether I should get a violation for trolling or he should get a violation for being stupid (and trolling himself). It is like suggesting (please understand the difference between 'suggesting' and 'coercing') someone to jump off a cliff. If the person does it, I will not be charged with murder unless I am in North Korea. Moderators must understand what 'agency' and 'free will' mean before saying that I 'caused' that player's suicide. There is a clear difference between 'correlation' and 'causation'. My 'press esc twice to speed up your pc' joke is correlated to the player's OWN DECISION to do so but did not cause it. In other terms, I did not 'cause' his suicide, because there was no coercion on my side and he freely choose to press esc twice - I add here, knowing that it would cause a suicide.

In terms of the ban, I think that this should be lifted for the main reason that I never received a warning that another violation would cause a ban.
almost 12 years
ERB is given to players who are teamed with you after you encourage them to break a rule. Trolling is more appropriate here.
deletedalmost 12 years
Keep calm and bub bub on.
almost 12 years
Bubbajack he was given a violation for trolling when it should have been for encouraging rule breaking if anything at all.
deletedalmost 12 years
Exactly, Cuba and North Korea. Not really prime example of democracy!
almost 12 years
Telling someone to jump off a cliff is considered a murder in Cuba as well.
almost 12 years
Wait, I did not get 4 vio for that reason. One was for antagonising Giga and one for wanting hammer from Pranay when we were both clear in a comp game.
almost 12 years

Notice who suicided this game. A noavi. The thing is bubbub that you are encouraging rule breaking. Hue Hue press Esc twice to speed up your interenet. As I've already said, YOU said press esc twice. You may not have "suicided" but if you were the one who suicided you would have GRS not trolling. When you say "Press Esc twice to ____" You are trolling. YOU may not have "made" him suicide, but YOU did troll 4 people into a suicide. And the fact that you've been told to stop and gotten a vio 4 TIMES yet tried to use the same excuse is a little ridiculous.
almost 12 years playr with over 360 games dont no what ogi is so mayb he dont no what press esc 2 does