
Report #50,148

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 12 yearsfor Game 1779857
Threw a game by calling me guilty in his Day 1 hypo claim when he had an innocent report on me. I doubt that he's dumb enough to play so many games and still not understand, so this is obvious game throwing.
almost 12 years
The game was ranked but hypa vegged also If you want to troll go to sandbox lobby training lobby is still ranked and this is the 90th report against you on your vash account lol.
deletedalmost 12 years
We're not playing in Comp Lobby. Most if not all players in training will not risk a fake hypo kill when another cop has a guilty on them. It is simply illogical. My wifom was solid. Get over yourself - you voted uncc'd cop for the majority of LYLO. If anyone tried to GT, it was you.
almost 12 years
I understand the game far better than you do. The whole point of hypo claiming is so that the cop can report on Day 1 without being an obvious target for the mafia on Night 2. By making a wrong hypo claim, any halfway decent mafia member would destroy you in a cop-claim battle on Day 2 if you survived, and your innocent party from Night 1 would be lynched on Day 2 if you were to die on Night 2. You threw the game. Learn to play.
deletedalmost 12 years
I'm sorry you don't know advanced level play yet and instead want to argue with someone who does about how to play the game. But that's about all I'm sorry for.