Honestly i didn't see any BP claim. either way the game lied about what was supposed to happen and you guys are frankly mean-spirited if you think i'm at fault here when the game clearly said something that is not true. how the fuck am i supposed to know that hit BP doesnt count as a night action to the meteor function? this is embarrassing that you're blaming me for an in-game mechanic bug.
his kill on meteor was the only person in the room who would potentially hide as bp, and cyrus is someone who would obviously not bother holding his claim. he even said he was trying to find the bp when there were 2 pr claims
Not to mention that the bp already claimed. Hitting BP isn't a necessity, you could have hit the orc for instance, therefore you gamethrew.
deletedalmost 12 years
i used as many nights as the game is supposed to allot me to find bp. i got unlucky and only ended up narrowing it to a 50-50 choice... i did absolutely nothing wrong here, let's be clear on that.
yeah he was literally just trying to play off a forced loss because his partner died d1. he had several nights to stalk potential kills and he aimed for bp. please refund
deletedalmost 12 years
No reason? I was trying to find the fucking BP. How dare you blame me for the game's mechanical fault? This shit needs to be fixed. Give me a note and refund this garbage.