
Report #4,546

Report Details

closedover 12 years

Gamethrowing. Grudgevotes me D1 and 2 with no regard towards scumhunting or actually playing the game. Does this in every game I play with him. he would have done the same thing here, but it it went unranked.

It stems from a disagreement we had in this game about him joining games with the intention to lurk. You can see in the game I reported him for that he says he is going to vote me and refuses to unvote until I am lynched and will continue to lurk until that happens. Even though he didn't successfully throw the game, he has attempted it multiple times.

Top of D2 in the first game I stated. "/lurks." "lynch gatso or I lurk" "/lurks." Playing the game to personally troll/attack a person is not playing to his win condition. This is 100% gamethrowing. THIS is the kind of shit that needs to be discouraged.
over 12 years
also lol@you citing a game where you voted me as the unCCd bp. That really helps your case.
over 12 years
It's not the lurking. It's the grudgevoting. I don't care how much you lurk, I don't care how much you say fuck you or any of that shit. The only impact you had on those games were your votes, and they were based on something that was not your win condition. They were based on a grudge.

PS: Fakeclaiming:"fakeclaiming a role AND getting either a CC lynched, a fake report lynched, or getting lynched by not retracting"
over 12 years Read day 1 with rose colored glasses. Since you're always fake claiming I'll choose you when you're cc'd if they're a spare lynch, but saying that I would have continued on is stupid because unlike you, I don't troll to win/ruin games. It's one thing for me to be wrong about someone, but saying I threw a game when we won due to neither of our actions is stupid. You refused to tell me why you would wagon on an afk, but then proceeded to call me scum for challenging a baseless wagon. Trolls/spams d1 then spends a good part of d2 harassing me. I didn't lurk in the game.
over 12 years
If you had bothered to ask me why I started the off the game you started attacking me in (which you haven't posted btw) by saying "I'm lurking no matter what this game" is because my actions in my previous games had made it so that even though I played well townies were thinking I was "too town" and I was getting lynched for it. But thanks for taking a quote out of context and spending the entire game harassing me for it.

Spamming "Fuck you" 5 times in a row, fake claiming and harassment are what should be discouraged.