
Report #45,378

Report Details

closedabout 12 years lobby camping / harrassment has followed me into 2 games now and refused to leave both times makes game very uncofortable and hard to get reads with this perosn constantly calling me a cheater pls give her or him a warning and to leave me alone thankyou :)
about 12 years
your first puush is in response to the first report where i was first called a cheater. your second puush was in response to ka7th appealing your original decision which is crazy since everyone in the game and then including you had already stated that i am an alt and just that good and not a cheater even though ka7th refuses to back down and accept that i am a good player your third one is me going a little bit overboard but ka7th had followed me into two games and refused to leave even though ka7th belives i am a cheater
about 12 years
being called a cheater for playing good made me emotional if you want to give me a warning for hatefulcomments or harrasment go ahead but i do not think it is right or i should just let my name be slandered with ka7 following me aroudn and calling me a cheater
deletedabout 12 years
Actually, it does matter if checker was motivating ka7th to fight back, or vice versa. It's relevant.
about 12 years
I don't think Checker is saying that wasn't harassment... I don't see it anywhere in the report. This report is about Ka7th harassing checker. Any harassment checker does is inconsequential to this report, IMO. They both deserve vios if checker is harassing. The penalties don't offset one way or another. This isn't football.
deletedabout 12 years And how is this not harassment towards ka7th?
about 12 years
you stil made the game uncofortable for me with your questioning of me d1 and calling me a cheater and also you not fosing me feels almost like ogi and that you didnt want to fos me because i might claim it as harrasment since i had already asked you to leave in pregame i would like to enjoy this game and playing with you and enjoying it seems almost impossible because you may not want to fos me even when you have actual reasons for fosing me and it would be better for both of us if you just didnt play with me
about 12 years
i was joining the only available game in the lobby, and the game i was doc, i didnt fos her being maf once!! In fact i won us the game by baiting the maf, this isn't harrasment.
Now she is acting all "butthurt" as she would put it.
about 12 years
the 2 games were after he she had decided to report me for cheating and as you can see i asked him her to leave and told he i was feeling harrased and did not want to play games with this person anylonger