
Report #45,291

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 years
isp trolling all the good stuff a user needs can we get this guy back to starcraft already
about 12 years
I'm going with coin, this is a very stupid report. In what ways at all was he ISP'ing? He was maf.
deletedabout 12 years
no i'm actually doing it because you're a known shit tier troll who can't doesn't focus or even -play- any of his games
about 12 years
about 12 years
flipmycoin you got the point kids here open so much reports.. they should be banned for report abusing omfg
about 12 years
Oh yeah and I even got a kudos and someone said I deserved the win. This report is so fake and butthurt that it's sad to see users like Porrim trying to abuse the Report system and get innocent players banned just because they dislike them.
about 12 years
I was not ISP'ing, I was one of the most talking players in the game, and played well to win. This person is clearly butthurt that he lost + he disliked me before the game started. He should be suspended from the report system for filing spamming the admins with fake butthurt reports.
deletedabout 12 years