"that if you prefer to ban people for making genuine unintentional mistakes" says you. "However, unintentionally gamethrowing should not be a reportable offense." says I. Where did I ever say that I wanted to ban anyone?
@penguinruler: I'm trying to point out to you, that if you prefer to ban people for making genuine unintentional mistakes (that can sometimes be fatal for your team), then you are indirectly banning people that only have the intention of trying to learn the game and might stumble along the way. I'm not saying that's specifically what you said, I'm saying that will be the result of what you are saying. People will play to learn and improve, and people will make mistakes along the way. It is unavoidable, and banning them for that won't change it, it will only make more people hate the website. Such decision will only make it less popular.
"Then you are basically banning people for learning the game, and accidentally making mistakes along the way to learning. You wan't a game where it is not allowed to make mistakes. -.-" Please don't put words into my mouth. I notice that you do this frequently.
Given Broderson's multiple accounts, experience playing the game before EM, and his physical Win/Loss, I think that he is a good player, and is definitely not learning how to play. Therefore, he should have known what he was doing was a mistake. I agree that this doesn't deserve a Gamethrow violation, based on the current definition. I think the definition of Gamethrowing should be broadened to include "unintentionally" as well. However, unintentionally gamethrowing should not be a reportable offense. This way you could point out to people in the rules that if he misplay in such a way that it is gamethrowing, and that they should correct their play.
deletedabout 12 years
<sarcasm>Guys, can't you see that learning how to play the game should be against the rules? This mod clearly knows his stuff! If you're here to learn, then you deserve to be banned. ESPECIALLY when you're in the training lobby! The training lobby is meant for serious competition, not learning!</sarcasm>
@Change Thanks for confirming the obvious; that I was not intentionally gamethrowing this game and lose. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one here who seems to have lost my mind on this ridiculous treatment.
Maxwell clearly got frustrated that he lost, and as a response he filed a vague report (unintentional mistake) at me, which got confirmed by an admin who didn't even Review the game before making his decision, and in the end resulted in me getting a 24hour ban from the game. This is a disgrace to the report system and the credibility of the admins as a whole! Absolutely ridiculous.
@penguinruler NO, unintentional gamethrow should never be a reportable offense. Then you are basically banning people for learning the game, and accidentally making mistakes along the way to learning. You wan't a game where it is not allowed to make mistakes. -.-
Well, Day 1's save wasn't even the Cop. Therefore, a cross would had been more beneficial for the Mafia side. I do agree CluelessChatGame shouldn't have buss on Day 1 after the save. But then again, you, Maxwell agreed with it. He did not INTENTIONALLY gamethrow. And the admin's reason why banning CluelessChatGame for 24 hours seem very unjust.
deletedabout 12 years
Yes I said I was okay with him bussing me in the night meeting but not when there is a doc save. Bussing on a ml in classic mafia is literally the same as claiming mafia, since you get autolynched for "autowin". You people also talk about intentions, well if a blatant troll gamethrows and then goes "I didn't intend to do that" are we supposed to just let him off? The fact that clueless has a history makes it obvious what his intentions were. Yes, I understand people make mistakes but hey when someone repeatedly makes mistakes it becomes clear what his intentions were.
Gamethrowing by definition is "Intentionally playing against your win condition or not playing to win". Notice the word "Intentionally". While Broderson did create an autowin situation for town, he probably didn't realize it. I don't think it falls under Gamethrowing, or if it should, maybe the definition could be broadened to include "unintentionally". Or stupidity could be a reportable offense.
Anyone who reviews this game will realize that I was NOT intentionally gamethrowing, if gamethrowing at all. I had my reason not to claim cop and push for a NL (so I could hopefully get a guilty before claiming cop, and before we mylo). If I made a mistake, missjudgement or didn't play absolutely flawless, sorry, but that is still not gamethrowing and not something people should be banned for left and right, whenever someone files a report. It's too easy to make a report and get it confirmed on this website. Everyone makes mistakes at one point or another, but that doesn't mean they deliberately violated the written rules of this website.
didn't he say on night 1 he was going to buss him anyways, and maxwell said sure? i mean, i know that's not smart to do when we have a doc save, but even i can tell this wasn't intentional.
deletedabout 12 years
This is pathetic. Now even if you lose, you gamethrow? This site's rules, and the people who enforce those rules are ridiculous.
Notice that the admin writes: "History makes me think he did this to gamethrow. Refunded." = the admin didn't check the Review, but instead judge this report based on his dislike to me, and not because he followed the rules on this site. This is a sad day for EpicMafia.
No I didn't gamethrow and I honestly think it was best for town that I remained hidden and town NL'ed for another day, instead of mylo or me revealing.