
Report #4,365

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years
Stalks my games, insults and harasses me often, ban please.
deletedover 12 years
you would specifically vote me whenever i was cc'd BECAUSE i'm me. the nature of the voting was swift to the point it implied it wasn't game-related at all, and it was to troll me. you'd call scumtells on me every game right out of the bat for no reason in an effort to troll.
over 12 years
If a few lines of talking smack in a single game are harassment, then half the players in Epic Mafia has to be banned. The games are far apart because I hardly ever played with you. I can't remember ever seeing you dodge me, but if you did that's your weird thing and none of my business.
deletedover 12 years
"because of his fake guilty on me" isn't justification to harass someone. that game alone is enough for harasssment, and the reason the games are so far apart is because i had to put effort into dodging him. i'm sick of it and i want him gone
over 12 years
Every single one of those screenshots is from this game:

The one where I trash talked Dave because of his fake guilty on me. I can only think of one other time I insulted him and it was like one line of gloating after the game.
deletedover 12 years
I never said Retti was my alt, I said I was playing on Retti's account for one round. Account sharing isn't against the rules, and there's zero implication of cheating in any of my games. marklikestv needs to read games before spouting ignorant shit.
deletedover 12 years
I ran for Retti one round. I've never been on Retti's account while we've been in the same game. You're ignorant. Cotton specifically votes me because I'm me. If I'm ever CC'd, he always auto-votes me BECAUSE IT'S ME.
deletedover 12 years
Me and Dave after different people.

In the round that edark won his silver, i asked dave to run for me as i didn't have time, he agreed and i gave him my password so he could play my hearts for me.

on the weekend of the round, i played games with me and him both on my account in a hydra, some of those games are the ones where we blatantly state we are playing together.

Dave doesn't use my account anymore as much, but i still ask him sometimes to play my games.

tl;dr this report is bad
over 12 years
CottonCandy is right. Dave just admitted to cheating. He said straight out that Retti is his alt and in this game
They played together and Dave won. Dave should be reported for this. Dave is a moron. CottonCandy was clearly not doing anything to him.
over 12 years
Eight games over a period of months? Four of which were with someone you claim is your alt despite playing in a game with him earlier tonight? Wow.
deletedover 12 years
im going 2 bring up all of the games and link them all, fyi
over 12 years
Look at Dave's history. I've hardly been in any of his games. I don't know how paranoid and self-absorbed you have to be to think someone is "stalking" you.

After you faked a guilty on me I trash talked you for a little while. That's not harassment by any means.