
Report #38,072

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 years
linked to x-rated material ( ) in report. OPEN AT YOUR OWN RISK: (THE X-RATED MATERIAL)
deletedabout 12 years
this report is stupid just close it this troll is just trolling this and you can search me on photo bucket for the proof
deletedabout 12 years
I can attest that my only alt is PROBST.
about 12 years
im only 13 and a quarter years old i dont even tihnk its LEGAL for me 2 see things like that!!!
about 12 years
are u saying u were hacked?????? my MOM saw that thank u very much u dont even KNOW How much trouble im going to be in.... SHE IS SO MAD AND SHE TOLD MY DAD TOO!!!! i was told all links on this site were safe.. except for that 1 u posted thats mostly true but this should be against the rules!!! hopefully it is!
deletedabout 12 years
um this isnt mine wtf lol jupiter quit trolling
about 12 years
my MOM was sitting across frm me and she was helping me with my homework and i just wanted 2 talk to some of my friends on epicmafia and i saw THIS and now my mom wont let me go on this site anymore for a LONG TIME.....she DESERVES to be punished for this!!!!!!!!!!!
about 12 years
she posted this in report 38066