
Report #36,127

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 12 yearsfor Game 1461560
ISP - guised into TownReporter and said nothing the entire game. Refund please.
over 12 years
lol i am keeping this report as a reference and will use it to get refunds in future
over 12 years
sure i would have reported.... and i have reported many players for similar behaviour, but i never got any refunds.. its sad.... i dont think u are getting a refund either
deletedover 12 years
Yes, Pranay; he didn't TOWNTELL cause he wasn't participating. It was an easy choice for you on the last day, since it was a four way with 2 people that participated and 1 person that didn't. Had you hammered on someone that participated, and he would have won, you would have reported this for ISP.
over 12 years
byim is right about his partner not blitzing, i totally forgot about that.... that definitely is ISP.. but he not blitzing made me think he was clear... but i changed my mind because run towntold..... and yeah.. i totally would have reported this but i am sure it would not have been refunded as i have experienced... ive had partners who fucking forget the clear and forget to kill them,,,, and when i report them for isp i get no refund
over 12 years
the entire town who was talking were talking about which bp to vote.. he had already decided his vote so he did not require to argue in that conversation... moreover it is optimal to hide when u guise out... if he was claiming to gt, he did not do any such thing... he prolly said he would out his partner,,, and he did not say that,, if he had the intention to gt he would claim mafia on last day.... i hammered him because others towntold and he did not
deletedover 12 years
And I didn't work hard? We could have won the game if my partner was participating, he could easily have blitzed on Day 2, yet he didn't: cause he wasn't participating. How is it my fault that he didn't participate, Pranay? Also, saying we used a bad strategy then saying you worked hard, doesn't work; cause if the strategy was bad, then you wouldn't have had struggled all that much on day 2, would you? His ISP actions changed the outcome of the match, Pranay, and you know it. If you were on the mafia team with him, you'd be asking for a refund, so stop saying this isn't refund-worthy.
over 12 years
there is no way u can refund this.... entire town worked hard and all those who did not get lynched towntold hard... its not our fault that we worked so hard and the mafia did not talk... rather he did talk what he was required to talk.. he said the imp things and made his choice of vote, later on nobody asked anything to him and he was not required to contribute.. moreover it is maf strategy to talk less and bus partner.. i almost lynched run because of that, but then i found towntells from run.. its only the mafs fault they used bad strategy.. i have seen real isps not getting refunded... there is no way u are refunding this..
deletedover 12 years
Also, check N2 mafia meeting chat, he said "I'll do nothing, and out you."
deletedover 12 years
Oh, also, Town ended up hammering on him because they had nothing to read, so his actions (or should I say: lack of actions) changed the outcome of the game.