
Report #35,050

Report Details

closedover 12 years
K heres a game. It went unranked but I was in it Goes afk, puts up a vote as crier, luckily the game vegges. Hes blue, doesnt say anything game related, gets lynched on the last day resulting in a mafia win. Did nothing to try and stop it. Is agent, gets lynched and doesnt claim his role. Says nothing game related all game. BAN THIS GUY. IF I DIDNT HAVE A LIFE I WOULD GO THROUGH ALL HIS GAMES AND REPORT HIM 5 TIMES FOR ISP.
over 12 years
BTW these were handpicked games, I just went to his past 10 recent games and randomly pick 2 others along with mine. He was isp in all of them. Honestly, I might just go through all his games this round and report him 5 times to get him banned for isp. He doesnt play...