
Report #34,399

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closedover 12 years Trolling/gamethrowing I don't know what, but his play was terrible. He pushed on uncc'd vig all game d1. And then he admitted to not paying attention to game later on in the game. Because of his play, the mafia went ignored since his d1 push was so bad
over 12 years
shutup leroy you dirty, dirty "N" word
over 12 years
This guy is a character. Vig outting with a hooker is bad, I was encouraging doc to out, then he outs. Town was in a tough spot after cop died n1. After d1 I wasn't paying as much attention after town was ignoring me but I was still active and knew I was on the chopping block. Mafia played well and won. I wasn't even hammered d3 which is the best part.