Well then I had took more than 2 minutes. I dont have a clock in my bathroom.
Look at all the other games I played as doc. I saved,although it was autolose. Also: it was NOT Autolose. I still could've saved. Funfact: I wanted to save the noavi or the shinigami n1. And I saved the noavi. That's why Im disappointed.I could've made town won.
deletedover 12 years
Rocky... You spoke 6 seconds before town lynched, in the middle of a bw, town was obviously lynching. Also.. the night is an extra two minutes...
Wow, that really offends me. Do you really think I'd be so stupid to veg? I mean: I lose points when I veg and I am running. So I'd rather let mafia win then ruin the game. That was not Gamelated. I vegged because I afk'd. And I though the town would've discussed more before lynching. Give mafia their points. But I vegged cause I had to go to the toilet for a minute. I never GRS, and I never will.